Scubalamp is a factory OEM dive light for branded company,And now they started to produce his own brand . I have talked with them and hold this groupbuy for promote their products. This is the only chance I can get the price in such a seriously low cost, You can hesitate,But dont exceed to the 10th Feb. The deadline is 10th Feb.
Battery 5500mAh 32650 lithium battery,Price was $13,Now is free!
Archon 32650 charger,It Can charger 32650/26650/18650,Price was $15,Now is free!\ Night dive signal light buddy I-Buddy Firefly ,Price was $9.99,Now is free\Will send 1pcs in random color) Scuba Bolt Snap Swivel-Eye ,(316-series stainless steel )Price was $8,Now is free!!!
In short, US$199,All the things above are your’s
Please leave the coupon code”BLF+Your ID” when you try to buy it,I will change the price for you .
Or you can paypal us
PM Please when you have any questions
Not enough ?OK . The first one who got the Scubalamp PV32 and post their experience below this post will get a stainless steel Diving knife for free!!!
Minos, hang tight for brutal honesty incoming.
We don’t like you, we don’t like your products, we don’t like the way you present yourself on this forum. Please stop trying to sell stuff here. It’s not going to happen. Best of luck on other forums.