Hello, I ran across some new 18650 lights that were just recently released at QualityChinaGoods. You 18650 fans might be interested. The multi-mode 18650 OSRAM flashlight looks really sweet.
The third link does look awesome, funny how it reminds me of a JetBeam torch. Im not a big fan of smooth reflectors though, if it was available in an op then it would def be something to look at, if i needed a throwy light then i would just move closer...lol. Thanks for posting up the links bud.
Its the reflector that causes that.......an orange peel reflector would give it a much better looking output.....For me its not the case for being high powered......18650's store a lot of energy and if the light is well regulated then you will get decent runtime.
See my review of one Osram light here. The ring monster it is - but I like it a lot despite that. Rings don't really matter all that much except when white wall hunting.
I do prefer 18650's for stuff to be put in jacket pockets. They are usable up to about 5A, hold quite a bit of energy and are cheap enough to have several knocking around. I own more 18650 lights than any other sort. I think. Anything that takes two or more 18650's is not really a pocket light and gets taken out for specific purposes (or playing). For the silly high power stuff (60+ watts) a lot of folk are using 26500 (C size) or 26650 lithium cells or more exotic chemistry cells in odd sizes. Often LiPo packs intended for RC aircraft. Often they are only getting 10-12 minute runtimes.
The only light I have that runs more than 30W is actually running on lithium ion D cells (unprotected). If the batteries are freshly charged I get around 1000-1300 lumens for an hour.
What gets carried with me at all times though is usually one or more AA or CR123 lights. All my sets of keys have an AAA light of some sort on them - I carry 3 sets normally, work, car, house.
Since Cree only claim 345 lumens at 1A, I don't wonder, I just don't believe it. Out the front of the light you'll be lucky to see 70% of that - say 240 lumens.
That is still a lot of lumens.....when buying a light i really dont care about what the specs say since there usually wrong when it comes to the light rating.
I remember when Japanese horsepower were about 50% of UK ones. Now they tend to be a bit bigger.
Chinese lumens still have to catch up.
240 lumens is still a lot of light. And how it delivers those lumens may be more important.
My "230 lumen" XR-E R2 dropin throws way better than my "320 lumen" XP-G R5 dropin does. Lumens aren't the whole story. My local supermarket has more than a hundred 5,000 lumen+ lights hanging from their ceiling - but portable they aren't. Supermarket illumination starts at about 700 lumens/square metre i.e., 700 lux. The reflectors are way bigger than my dustbin/trash can.
If the reflector can still be portable and deliver the hotspot into one degree or less the result is going to be a fearsome thrower even if your average tealight/nightlight produces more light in total.
Problem with the light source pointing into the reflector is heat management, not one that you'd want to drive the LED hard. Decent sized head and it appears to be projecting an image of the LED so should be able to push the hotspot quite a ways. Looks similar to the Ultrafire WF-008. Same sort of specs, and may even be the same light. The DX Ultrafire is $10 cheaper.
I can't now remember. I don't think either of those were Solarforce dropins but DX ones. The Solarforce is an L2m. I have an L2r and an L2i but I've decided I don't like the L2r much. It is just too thin for its length for me.
The L2i with a Solarforce 4.2V R2 dropin and an 18650 in it lives at my back door just now for dog spotting duties - she may be huge but she's still a very dark colour so it takes a lot of light to spot her out the back at night.
I'm not exactly sure which dropin is in which light at the moment - and I'd have to pull apart pretty much all of my P60 lights and strip off a lot of aluminium foil to find out which dropins are where just now.
I'd recommend some sort of P60 host if you don't already have one. I'd suggest you have a look at the ones you like the look of and then ask if there are any recommendations or drawbacks on those ones.
My personal choice would probably be the Uniquefire L2/Ultrafire WF-504B (old style, there is a newer one) or Solarforce L2m which is a bit more expensive but more flexible. If you get the Solarforce, do yourself a favour, and buy the flat stainless steel bezel ring at the same time - or prepare for shredded clothes.