[New Release] Mankerlight Timeback III (5 Versions)

Me too. Please allow turbo to be memorized.

Manker MC13 90.2 Limited Edition are available now!

Coupon code: MC13-902

Very cool. Specs?

Can’t find it in the store

Look there:

Any informations about output and max distance?

That’s a great price with the discount! Just ordered it. Hoping it will be similar to the KR1vn.

Obviously it would need a 18650 to take advantage of the SBT90.2 but 18350 should still be fun.

I have a 10A Keeppower 1200mAh - are there any better 18350 options for this light?

4500 lumens, 600 meters distance.

I notice the 18650 tube now uses the same pocket clip as the shorty tube. This is great! Honestly was a small detail that kept me from buying the combo MC13/E14 bundle. Please consider doing another round of this in the future.

That must be with a 18650 at turn on, right? I’m pretty sure it will drop down under 2000 lm within 30 seconds. Even if it does then I don’t regret ordering it. This is going to be a very fun light!

My guess it’s about 100kcd at max!

yes,it's just a fun light,.

Less sharp too.

Does the MC13 have a TIR lens?

The images on the Manker page show two pics with reflector and one that look like TIR.

Good question. I believe that the SBT simply will not fit the optics of the standard 13. It is simply larger than the TIR inlet diameter…

MC13 90.2 adopt smooth (SMO) reflector.

How many lights of this limited edition will be produced?

So the MC13 has an SBT90.2 LED and comes with an 18350 tube. I wonder what sort of output you’d get with an 18350 cell?

The most powerful 18350 Vapcell or Shockli give off 10, or a maximum of 15A for a short time. So it will not be a full-fledged turbo, and a high one can be short-lived. But the WOW effect in this size will be …

Definitely a ‘wow’ light when setup with short battery!