Has anyone used it yet? Does the 519a emitter (which is 4500k in the Pineapple Mini) have as rosy a tint as the 4500K 219b?
> Does the 519a emitter (which is 4500k in the Pineapple Mini) have as rosy a tint as the 4500K 219b?
no, not at all the same
519a 4500K with dome On, has much more neutral Tint DUV:
519a with dome On, is for people that do not want Pink Tint, and want the Tint DUV to be closer to the White Balance line.
fwiw, 519a with dome removed, becomes 3500K and more orange, but not pink either… see left light in photo
If you buy a Reylight w 519a and you dont care for the neutral white tint, you can dedome to get a warmer color Temperature and with Tint DUV below the White Balance line
btw, Tint DUV preferences aside, the 519a has Great Color Rendering, it shows Reds as well as the sw45k. The 519a is about 30% brighter, spread over a similarly larger hotspot. Resembles the LH351d beam profile, but with better CRI
I have one, but dedomed the led on arrival. So it obviously has rosy tint now, but not as much as a sw45k. The beam is ok, but is has a bit of a ring on the outside.
Btw Rey says it are 4000k leds on his site.
The aluminum ones are currently by one get one free, but they’re only available currently in red with the 219B. As good of a deal as that is, I’m going to wait until the 519A is available for the aluminum models.
On the reylight website, the current aluminium pineapple offerings still state they come with 219B. Is that correct or does it come with the 519a and is the description outdated?
I was wondering that myself. Before it clearly stated that the next batch would be 519a. That’s now gone, so the page has clearly been updated recently.
Just message Rey, i thought it would come with 519A