New rumoured Hank light

4000k FA4 looks -duv at any level, no green.
Hank needs to start getting binned leds and loneoceans buck driver

I can confirm Hanks FA3 is not good, I bought and sold a KR4 within as week of having it because the Fa4 is just better. I like hi cri, but I much prefer nice tint . Hi cri is a bonus for me, not a necessity.

Side note, the FireFlies rot66 gen2 I got last month with xpl-hi 5A 4000k, are the nicest tinted leds I have .

Also, the 5D Hank has now are not anywhere as rosy as the ones he was selling a month or so ago, before he listed them back in the website as an option. I have 3 new lights with 5D 4000k that are yellow compared to the 5D I got from Hank 2.5 months ago. …