New Scam - fake Amazon Prime Email

New to me anyhow.
Mrs. Jeff just got an Email telling her that it’s time to renew the Prime membership and the account info needs to be updated.
Along with a link.
Her Email is not associated with Amazon.
So she informed me and I told her to delete it.
Came in on Easter when folks are likely busy hunting eggs Etc.
Tell your less tech savvy group to watch out.
All the Best,

4 Thanks

There’s no end to the variety of scams… Be aware!!

Thank you Jeff. The domain should be a dead ringer that screams “suspicious”.

“New”. Phishing has been a thing for decades.

1 Thank

Got a txt-message that a parcel with my name on it was delayed at Customs. With a link for me to clarify things with them.
a/ there is no parcel on its way that I know of
b/ a check on “whois” showed the link was 1 day old
c/ the owner of the site was a Toronto based company (Dutch customs in Canada?)

1 Thank

Exactly. :grin: