So I’m looking to do my first triple LED build on a S2+. I’ve been reading as much as I can on this site (and others), but I have a question about the driver.
I had already purchased a Convoy S2+ w/ SST20 LED and 7135*8 driver with biscotti firmware and decided to use this as my test mule.
When you add the spacer on top of the pill the wires from the driver may be a bit too short?
The triple LEDs from MTN have wires attached so those wires should be long enough.
That 8*7135 driver may work but it's not the best choice for building an S2+ triple LED.It's max is rated at 2800mA
Also that driver is probably soldered to the brass pill and will need to be removed so longer wires can be soldered on if needed.
Because the S2+ came with a soldered in driver you don't have a locking ring to use if you decide on a driver change to the MTN 17DD Fet with bypassed spring.I don't know if MTN has locking rings.
Only the S2+ with 4 or less 7135 chips have a factory installed locking ring.The 7135 chips on the spring side of the driver prevent a locking ring use.
The hole in the MTN copper spacer is larger than need be so when drilling a hole in the brass pill you can make it a little smaller.After you drill the holes chamfer both sides so sharp edges don't cut into the wires.
I really like the tint and brightness of my S2+ triple with Samsung LH351D 5000k but even with the 10507 optic it's floody.
I prefer the 10511 over the 10507 Carclo lens since it helps smooth out the beam and any artifacts and still has some good throw. You may want to get them both and experiment since they are pretty cheap. I also like to have different types of LEDs and tints in my flashlights so I have a variety to choose from.
You will need to knock the driver solder joints loose in order to modify the flashlight and then resolder the driver back to the head.