I forgot a board that was prepped with solder paste and parts
So I took some picture
Later I tried to reflow this on my hotplate but it turned out I had to strip the board as the solder paste did not melt properly
So I put the parts again on new board with fresh solder paste, as I can only film on hotplate this was only option I may try to do again with hot air station to get better result
Reflow captured on hotplate, the usual issues like one component side not soldered
I may also have not prepped the board enough cleaning and rubbing the surface so that the solder sticks to the metal, in reflow oven this is far better
Solder paste applied to 3535 MCPCB
LED Placement not so good, but check after reflow turned out LED perfectly centered and aligned
Reflow turned out great, I moved the LED a bit to see if the solder spread all along the thermal pad and it did
the LED did not bounce back in position so the thickness is small