New year promotion. Buy New model EDC21 from Lumintop give away NCR18650B 3400mah protected

For now, but it might have died a gruesome death - all thanks to the non-communication route the manufacturer chose. I’ll update the thread if they choose to reply to the last 2 emails I sent.

Here’s a ‘futile’ attempt using microsoft paint:

Now you are on to something. Good work. I was imagining the kernals wrapper covering the entire battery. And once that is done, i can put 8 of them in the minos 8 slot charger.

I’d seriously would like some goofy wrappers to put on my laptop pulls just for the lulz. I’d love to have some cheap flashlights badged in something similar or maybe HOLIGHT or NITEHORE. That would make my fire chief giggle.

I’d bet having real custom wrappers made would be a bit costly just for lulz. You could print your wrappers on paper and use clear shrink wrap over it. Assuming the slight extra thickness is ok. If I had a color printer I would have done a few. I’d just do one side fake though.

Just for Laughs.

I know Nitecorn is a big mistake, it looks like want to do plain copy of Nitecore charger and the name is funny (actually ridiculous), but is it necessary to keep on posting some harsh comment?

@Minos, please look around more this forum. If you can find really good deal after some price comparison, then post it here. Sorry to say, but 1st impression is not good enough, so will be harder for you to get friendly welcome here at this moment.
More extreme, may be you can consider changing your nick name and making new start.

This thread is brutal…

But now I seriously want something with Nitecorn printed on it…

Why not start a trending topic in other social media like twitter? #NiteCorn

I would consider buying the charger but i don’t like products, which are based on years of developement and success of another brand.
I also think that Nitecore should be informed about this.

I don’t believe Nitecore even has a 8 bay charger to copy.

That looks pretty darn good to me. But remember, the Chinese can counterfeiting anything. So if the corn kernels protruded like the real deal, the cells could double as a lithium snack in an emergency.

Well done! Where can I buy a terribly unmatched set of sub 50 mah 18650 Nightcorn cells?

Well of course you do! Its become a part of our daily lives, and things just wouldn’t seem right without it. Ive put in a copyright for the name… just so Minos and his band of unscrupulous cronies can counterfeit my counterfeited brand. It wont be long till we see 16 and 32 slot chargers with exploding wall warts packaged with empty fire extinguishers. Then with Minos demanding that we buy his products, its just more to LOL about.

I'd vouch for the BLF EE A6 have Nitecorn engraved on it instead of BLF SE :)

The top one is a fake. I can tell by the way the Nitecorn logo is printed and the kernels don’t have the same detail as the bottom.

LOL. Good job.

Needs ‘Do not eat’ on it.

What is GB deals please ?

GB=Group Buy

Get us the sd-10 for $30 shipped.