
Hello All. Ralph C. from the Kansas City area. Looks like a friendly place. I promise to share and play nice! :wink:
Amatuer radio operater over 25 years.
The call is W2RPC.

Hi hitman, welcome, I think you’ll like it here, hope you have fun. :smiley:

Welcome! Enjoy your stay!


G’day mate. Welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome! I’m sure you’ll enjoy BLF. I sure do!


Welcome, pull up a chair, you might be here awhile....

Welcome to BLF! You’ll love being here! :slight_smile:


welcome, but for you own financial wellbeing, don’t come here to often :bigsmile:

…. . .… .… —- .— . .….. — — . - —- … .… …-.

Welcome to BLF ! ! ! :party:

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. :slight_smile:

Hi Hitman, welcome to BLF. Do you have a growing flashlight collection at this time? If not, you will soon :wink:

Hey Richie. Yes. I have a growing flashlight collection. If I get 1 more I’m afraid my wife will divorce me! :open_mouth: LOL!
Where abouts’ in Loooongeyeland are you?
We used to live in West Islip. My wife is native New Yorker.


Welcome hitman… :wink:

Hi Hitman,

Yeah, I think most of us have the issue with the wife. But then again, during a power failure, we end up being the heros.

I live in Nassau County, on the Port Washinton, Manhasset boarder. Islip is pretty close to here too.

Welcome hitman!

Welcome to the forum , hitman .

Do quite a bit of research before you decide what light will best suit your particular needs .

You will need a thower , a flooder , an EDC , a headlamp , a keychain light and at least one flashlight you buy just because it looks really cool . Or several .

Then buy a whole lot more flashlights . If necessary , invent new needs for your flashlights .

Get into modding flashlights when you realize that there are no commercially available lights that are perfect for you .

Keep us posted on your progress .

This never gets old .

To me .

Ha Hitman! Welcome!! I'm in Deer Park, the west side, very close to WI, other side of the avenue. Good thing my wife has hobbies too, but they are not as expensive as mine...