Hello All. Ralph C. from the Kansas City area. Looks like a friendly place. I promise to share and play nice!
Amatuer radio operater over 25 years.
The call is W2RPC.
Hi hitman, welcome, I think you’ll like it here, hope you have fun.
Welcome! Enjoy your stay!
G’day mate. Welcome
Welcome! I’m sure you’ll enjoy BLF. I sure do!
Welcome, pull up a chair, you might be here awhile....
Welcome to BLF! You’ll love being here!
welcome, but for you own financial wellbeing, don’t come here to often :bigsmile:
…. . .… .… —- .— . .….. — — . - —- … .… …-.
Welcome to BLF ! ! ! :party:
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.
Hi Hitman, welcome to BLF. Do you have a growing flashlight collection at this time? If not, you will soon
Hey Richie. Yes. I have a growing flashlight collection. If I get 1 more I’m afraid my wife will divorce me! LOL!
Where abouts’ in Loooongeyeland are you?
We used to live in West Islip. My wife is native New Yorker.
Welcome hitman…
Hi Hitman,
Yeah, I think most of us have the issue with the wife. But then again, during a power failure, we end up being the heros.
I live in Nassau County, on the Port Washinton, Manhasset boarder. Islip is pretty close to here too.
Welcome hitman!
Welcome to the forum , hitman .
Do quite a bit of research before you decide what light will best suit your particular needs .
You will need a thower , a flooder , an EDC , a headlamp , a keychain light and at least one flashlight you buy just because it looks really cool . Or several .
Then buy a whole lot more flashlights . If necessary , invent new needs for your flashlights .
Get into modding flashlights when you realize that there are no commercially available lights that are perfect for you .
Keep us posted on your progress .
This never gets old .
To me .
Ha Hitman! Welcome!! I'm in Deer Park, the west side, very close to WI, other side of the avenue. Good thing my wife has hobbies too, but they are not as expensive as mine...