Hi, i’m new here and just recently discovered this site. I’ve also only recently learned about all of the lights available via Alliexpress, Bangood, etc. I’m now having severe analysis paralysis and am overwhelmed by the number of available flashlights as well as the different options for each light. I’m looking for a thrower (or at least think i am!) for a variety of uses, but primarily for spotlighting animals in fields, etc. Not to hunt/shoot at night (with the exception of coyotes or hogs), but just to spotlight them to/from hunting, etc. Realistically, the max range i’ll be able to see on the property i have access to is 500/600 yards. it would be nice to see beyond that, but not a necessity. The list of lights below are just some that i’ve read about on this site and seem to have some of the qualities i’m looking for. i believe that several of the lights below have a narrow beam. i’d prefer a wider beam, but clarity/maximum light at that distance is slightly more important than the wider beam. i’d like to stay as cheap as possible, which would probably be the C8, but also don’t want to regret not paying just a little more. I also don’t want to waste money on a light that might be overkill for my needs. Any advice/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Convoy L21A with Osram KW.CULPM1.TG
Convoy M21C with KW CULPM1.TG
Convoy C8+ with KW CSLNM1.TG
Sofirn Q8 4*XPL HI 5000LM
Sofirn BLF SP36
Astrolux® FT03
EDIT - The size of the light doesn’t really matter as i’ll be carrying it in a pack.
Also, i’m getting to be an old fart (52) and want a light that is pretty simple to operate. I will not be trying to mod or reprogram the light.