Newbie - PLEASE HELP! Trying to choose a thrower less than $50

Don’t know if this will help anyone. Comparison of some throwy style lights and how the beam profiles compare:

Helps me. Thanks for posting this.

In addition to the Astrolux FT03 (XHP50.2), I ordered 2 more lights from mohrlumens (US based). I bought a Convoy L21A with Osram KW.CULPM1.TG and a Convoy M21A SST40 5000k 12 Group. I ordered both last Friday afternoon and received both Tuesday afternoon. I bought batteries from IMR batteries yesterday and received them today (they are officed locally). Waiting for my charger to arrive from amazon.

Let us know what you think of each.

My L21A is coming from China, so probably a while off still.

Will do. i don’t have a lot to compare these to other than an older streamlight and surefire in addition to random cheap flashlights around the house. however, the housing/body on these seems to be very solid. i’m going to need to go back to college to figure out how to program these things. Is there a way to attach pictures to a post? i see the insert photo requires a URL.

Do batteries usually get shipped fully charged, partially, empty or just depends?

You’ll need to host your pictures somewhere, lots of different sites. Then past the link here with a ! at the beginning and end !

Li-ion has a ‘storage’ charge of around 3.7v so more than likely this is what they will arrive at. You’ll need to charge them before use.


Hey I just got this today with a green Osram and I love it. Amazing throw and very compact using an 18350

I’m a huge fan of Hank’s lights. I also just got his SBT90.2 K1 and it has an Absolutely amazing amount of light and throw. It rivals my 100 watt Firefoxes FF5 HID

It’s a bit above your price range but here’s the link Noctigon K1 Thrower 1*21700 LED Flashlight

When you say green, is that obviously what it sounds like? it emits a green light? are there uses for that other than hunting? i have some feeder lights that are green that i use for hog eradication, but just curious what else its used for.

i’ve heard nothing but awesome things about the K1 but will have to wait for a while until the wife forgets about my recent purchases. Well, she’s a wife, so she’ll never forget, but until the newness wears off i guess. so for now, ignorance is bliss when it comes to the k1.

Haha I know dude… I sneak down to the mailbox at night and bring my new flashlights downstairs.

So this is my first green flashlight and it’s pretty damned cool. I have the least powerful version - the KR1 - and even with an 18350 battery (less powerful than an 18650 I would think…) I can actually see the green beam in the air when shining it in a dark room in my house. I honestly can’t think of a practical application for it but maybe it would be good for hunting or preserving night vision? I’m carrying it right now and can’t wait to shine it around tonight