first impression is, it look almost exactly like Trustfire UF T70
same size, same battery carrier, same tail cap, the only different is the new light is 7 LEDs
there’s 5 mode LOW (1 LED) MID (3 LEDs ) HIGH ( 7 LEDs ) strobe and SOS
low mode is comparable with Ultrafire WF 502b
the driver size is 27mm
check this out… 41mm deep!! a lot of option for driver mod
total height 70mm solid heavy aluminum… good heat exchange
inside look
screw in pill… good heat exchange…
comparison beamshot with Sky Ray King
LOW mode… BORUit Z001 on the left… Sky Ray KIng on the right
High Mode
just for the fun of it… compare it with my “prototype device”
before HIGH
AFTER… very interesting, this is the only multiple LEDs so far that retain the hotspot, hmm… need to experiment more with this light
Actually, it didn’t come with the holster. But I had one that the light fits into pretty well!
Sorry for the pic quality. Its a cellphone camera and I’m still playing with the settings-
I’d say the light visually is comparable to my SRK, with a less bright hot spot. But equivalent flood both in size and brightness. Don’t ask for measurements - I’m not the guy for that. The finish is OK, but not the best. Very slight wear marks at the edges. But it has a nice grip to it - I like the look and feel of it. The size and weight are just right. It did not take my Nitecore 2600s; I had to use my AW IMR 2000s. I haven’t checked if my other cells work or not.
It doesn’t feel cheap; just not quite the quality of a SWM, etc. And it has no memory. Overall, for seventy bucks, it’s a good light but a bit overpriced. In the era of fasttech prices, maybe 50.00 would be a fair.
the light output is kind of disappointing, when you compare it to another 7 LEDs such as Trustfire TR-J18
BUT… this light has a nice deep pill… enough room for driver mod
Can you measure how many amps it pulls at the tail? (current). Would be great as it will give us an idea how bright it actually is with the stock driver.
it’s round… the body is a light thin walled aluminum, everything else is concentrated on the head.
must agree with you regarding the price… it should be around $50 the driver replacement will cost another $20