This is Panfilov’s 28 Men… Seems really interesting and AWESOME!! I really wanna watch it so bad once its released!!
This video has excerpts from a MMOG and its free and fun to play
This is the original trailer!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
This is Panfilov’s 28 Men… Seems really interesting and AWESOME!! I really wanna watch it so bad once its released!!
This video has excerpts from a MMOG and its free and fun to play
This is the original trailer!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
Communists versus the National Socialists, fighting against each other after their alliance of European conquest collapsed, with the Communists eventually conquering and enslaving much of Europe.
No one one fought more bloodily against each other than those two blood thirsty ideological cousins, their war for dominance over free peoples, produced horrific battles and mass horrors.
The Great Patriotic War… Patriotic my ass! HAHA But setriously though, Stalin was a pussy… Even so, I do wanna watch the movie just for the adrenaline filled sequences…
I agree, the war between Stalin and Hitler makes for war at it’s most horrible, and while some great war films have come from it, it can supply an endless source for many more epic war films, I look forward to this one.
While war may be just a source of violence and unreasonable death, its where we also see the great reach and feats humanity and courage… It just shows what we as humans are capable of when pushed to the extreme… Its fascinating to watch even if its a a re-enacment