Nextorch UT51 Review: Blue-red Flashing Warning Bracelet

Nextorch must be making money somehow, although I have yet to see anyone buy this brand.

I don’t think they do much marketing. Haven’t seen ads either. They sell mainly B2B but are branching out to the consumer market.

Hmm, those remind me of the kor mak bracelets that I pilfered from the Goa’uld a few years ago. :joy:

Funny, but ages and ages and ages ago, at least one episode of “The Cops” was around Mardi Gras, and the coppers had necklaces that alternately blinked red/blue when they were busting someone.

I’m surprised none of 'em had “whizzers” to blow into, to make like a siren, too.

I got 3 Nextorches. Nylon-body drop-ins with hotwire blubs.

Good with not-so-high-strung drop-ins that won’t cook themselves, if you want a non-sparking light or one that doesn’t freeze to your hand if it’s cold and wet out.