Nice combo with handmade fabric pouches !

"Fenix WT25R LED Work Flashlight - 1000 Lumens": "Fenix E12 V2.0 AA Flashlight for Everyday Carry": These pouches i made them by myself and the fabric is a type of micro fiber towel ! The big one was the first that i made and was a little bit deficult because of the square bottom, and the lanyard on the top, but i had some room to work on because of the size ! The small one was the second one, whas way more difficult because of the round bottom, and way more small size, but i used the clear plastic cap as a gide and worked out perfectly,plus is the perfect size and fits just fine in the top so the pouch keeps it's shape, so i use it in all the time ! !! !! !! !! !! I'm new in this forum, and somewhat into flashlights in general, plus this is my first thread, i hope to like it, Thanks !

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Thanks man , yeah i think that i did... !?

You're going to love it here, TARTARA!

@raccoon city

Thanks man, yeah pretty good so far !

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New version !

I made new fabric pouches, plus plastic inserts so the fabric doesn’t fold in front of the lenses when i don’t use them, but for sort periods of time i can use them with the inserts, and plus a white diffuser for the small one, from a bottle cap with a 8mm hole in the center, so i can have both factions at the same time ! So now i can use them without any fear for scratches and things like that ! So far im pretty good with the results ! Just for example if anyone wants to take something similar !?
Yeah, be careful please, and don’t use them for long periods of time ! Thanks !

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