Nichia 519A

Great results! I wish that other CCTs were available too.

see post 32

I saw, but shipping would be complicated for my location. If someone could sell them on Aliexpress, probably more people would be able to buy. Iā€™ll end up using 219c 5700K.

can anyone help guesstimate the lumen outputs of 519a compared to sw45k, when using an RRT-01 host and driver? and or when using a FWAA host and driver? or SP10 Pro Host and Driver, on AAā€¦ , or in an AAA Tool?..

trying to understand if the 519a advantage is large or small, in the lights I useā€¦ at the power levels they operate at.

A guess from the provided graphs.
RRT-01 around 200 lumens from start up full battery.
SP10 Pro from GC harts graph maybe 50 lumens from a AA.
AAA tool probably around 10 to 20 lumens.
The FWAA not sure.
It could be slightly higher than my estimates given the lower vf of the 519a.
I estimated given the drive current per output.

Iā€™m guessing the beam will be fairly floody like a LH351D or 219C and should work well with most TIR optics.

Iā€™d try some but will probably wait until logistics isnā€™t so complicated.

Is there any angular tint shift?

fwiw, in a zebra,
519a is 30% brighter than sw45k

The 519A tested by Bob_McBob has much better tint (lower duv)

Do you happen to have the raw data behind this chart at hand or did you dispose of that already? Iā€™d like to compare efficacy and luminance as wellā€¦

1 Thank

Nothing annoying what I could see, from a smooth reflector I got a very agreeable beam, no Cree rainbow.

I remember Bobā€™s test but can not find it now. What were his numbers? (I tested in the hotspot of a smooth reflector, not on the bare led, did Bob do that too?).

Btw, the Duv is dependent on current, at lower than 2A the CRI goes up a bit and the duv also, getting even slightly positive, at higher than 2A the duv is lower and CRI goes down a bit.

how would this compare to say the OPTISOLIS 6500k ?

Djozz, before tossing the damaged emitter, could you slice the dome? I wonder if the new glass+silicone design makes it easier. I would also expect the amount of decrease in output, cct, duv to be different from emitters with homogenous dome composition.

Here is a 519A test by him from reddit:

Note that his sample is 3 step sm453 and Simon has 5step sm455 according to thefreeman mentioned earlier in this thread.

Thanks! Yes, so all sorts of reasons why his tint differs from mine, batch variations, tighter colour bin, perhaps a different current, and a different optic (a reflector hotspot that does not use the light from the cone straight above the led tends to increase the duv more than a TIR optic (that mixes light from all directions).

Thank you. Iā€™m not into pixel counting now and I see that I donā€™t actually have apparent die size of 519 but at least I can compare efficacy.
And LH351D wins big time, needs ~10W to reach 1000 lm while 519 needs ~12.5W. At other currents the difference is similar, though slightly lower at the extremes.

Thatā€™s sad, I hoped 519 would be at least close. But it is what it is.

Yes there is a non negligible difference:

But the LH351D is annoying with its greenish tint, I only use it sliced, then the efficiency is slightly lower.

1 Thank

I got 6.37mm2 using webplotdigitizer