Please folks, what are the 519a led flashlights? thank you all.
The search function is your friend. Many manufacturers and options to choose from. The big players are probably Convoy and Int’l Outdoors (a.k.a. Noctigon/Emisar). Those in the know will be along soon to fill in the gaps, I’m sure. Good luck.
La funzione di ricerca è tua amica. Molti produttori e opzioni tra cui scegliere. I grandi giocatori sono probabilmente Convoy e Int’l Outdoors (alias Noctigon/Emisar). Quelli che sanno saranno presto insieme per colmare le lacune, ne sono sicuro. Buona Fortuna.
Darksucks (Prometheus) is allowing them as a choice in their Alpha and Delta lights. I really haven’t shopped lights lately so I’m sure there are way more than this. As TIFisher mentioned I did also see Convoy was putting them as a choice also.
Maybe some more specifics would help people giving you answers. Any particular kind of light you are interested in, maybe. Cell type? Flood/throw? Pocket/EDC, or mega flood/thrower?
I have several lights with the 519A LEDs, but it is not worth listing all of them if I don’t know what you are looking for in a flashlight.
OOPS… It looks like I replied to a fully dead thread… sorry for the necromancy! I need to pay more attention to dates on the slider… Still getting used to the new site format I am afraid.