Nichia E17A/E21A Skilhunt H04RC Group Buy

Go ahead, comment your interest on Gsheet.


Paid, thank you! I am ‘Jon G’

Have you seen the movie Memento?

I’m OK with the 4k swap :beer:

I forget

Hi Clemence,

I’m good with the 4000K swap. As a matter of fact I’m interested in adding one more H04RC with 4000K and 5700K E21a. If it’s too late and the order has been placed, can I add a module in that configuration?

So I’m a bit confused now… was this the test for the 220 bin or the 240 bin?

I’m good with the 4000K swap as well.


D220 E21A should be way better then D240 - that’s for granted.

The D240 has the tint comparable to the SST-20 4000K, so pretty damn mediocre.

D240 is g r e e n on low and medium modes, don’t like it.

ZozzV6 publishes his measurement in an google docs sheet and it works pretty well.

One tiny last question: 3 x 3000K + 1 x 2000K or 2000K+4000K in your opinion? For night time urban exploration, walking through the woods.

For night time outdoors use, I personally like the CCT a littler more NW than WW so I would say 2000K + 4000K. 3x3000K + 1x2000K is really nice indoors as ambient ceiling bounce light for television watching.

Mix D240 with some other tint and it won’t be green. Yet it will still be a little more efficient.
I hoped I could order the next batch of D240 4000K…(emitters only, not full light) but it seems I shouldn’t wait for it.

No It’s NOT


how does this sound?…
H04 RC 5700K
JET E21A 5700*

I am still debating 5000 or 5700k for H04RC.
no green just pure white.

any suggestions?.
thanks everyone.

It depends on what you are used to a like. I would vote for 5000K over 5700K in a headlamp.

Why don’t you mix 5000k with 5700k. Afternoon sunlight ranges from 4800k to 5700k.

Do you have an Armytek Viking Pro? Are you sure the mcpcb is not glued or riveted? The Armytek Prime and Partner I’ve seen have the mcpcv stuck to the head such that trying to prying it out deformed the entire head.

Order to Skilhunt will be delayed due to Corona virus outbreak.

Skilhunt wrote:

"Hi Clemence,

Ok, thanks. Our holiday is extended to 2020-2-9, the government asked for all companies that. We are fine here but stay at home for help no more transmission. I will back to work next Monday.

Best regards.


This means I can still receive orders up to next monday


Hi Clemence

Just added another order for 1 pc H04RC 5000k E17A.

Done with the PP

Thank you

Payment sent for E21 with 4500k

What’s the expected completion date for this project? I’m not in a big hurry, just curious. I’m so excited for these! I’m in on ALL of Clemence’s group buys from now on

Hi all, Clemence,

As a total noob on this forum (this is literally my first post) I am going to ask a very noob-like question
I just found out about this initiative through the reddit/flashlight and I am truly interested. But I’m totally new with this type of ordering.
So what is it exactly that I need to do to get my hands on one of those H04RC ligths?

I have a paypal account (so far so good) but I am unsure as how to push the money.
Once logged in I see the “send” button after which I am asked to enter a mail adres.
I can enter the amount and add a note

- what should the note say?

- should I add something for shipping? Or is it just the 75 dollars?

  • what will an extra LED module cost? 4xE21A+PCB+soldering = 2+3+1= 6 dollars?

I know this is going to be charged with import tax, but that ripp off will be taken care of my Dutch government. But the actual shipment should be paid for also, is it not?

Thx for your patience and understanding