I'm looking for a nightlight one suitable for a nursery. Any ideas?
I'm looking for a nightlight one suitable for a nursery. Any ideas?
If you’re losing sleep living with a baby (or an older person, for that matter)
you can improve their sleep by switching away from “white” lights an hour or two before bedtime.
This one’s news to me, popped up in a search for: amber orange LED nightlight
but whoah, MUCH cheaper direct from Ikea: Products - IKEA
You can look up popular mention:
which finds, for example
or run the same search at Google Scholar for the research.
Here are several recent ones of many:
We put amber incandescents in the refrigerator, and low- or no-blue lights around the house, and it cured our insomnia.
A number of friends have had success doing that — from high-school age through 60s and older.
Adults in their young years have the best “consolidated” sleep and don’t feel the effect as strongly as the younger and older.
I’ve used a wide variety; easiest to find are auto supply store 12v amber LED “marker” or “clearance” lights.
Hank - Thanks for all the content. I'm just reading that Harvard article you linked to.
When the baby is crying, I just need some accent lighting, enough to see when I do the zombie walk so I don't walk into a wall or door.
These drop right into the cheap SK68 zoomies with just 2 solder connections and work fine: https://www.fasttech.com/p/1574707
How about the USB light?
For freeshipping is around $3 around only.
And you can insert it to your notebook or some other USB inserts.