Does anyone have the Nightwatch NSX4 from Neal’s? I want to order one next week and I am curious how well the flashlight preforms. I am unfamiliar with the 26800 cell and from the looks of it the 30T is the cell to get max lumens out of the 13,000lm NSX4.
I ordered the NSX4 because I like the idea of long runtimes on a high output single-cell light.
If you have the battery in the light and just one spare on you, that means you have essentially 5 18650 batteries to burn. I would say that that easily qualifies and is def pretty…pretty…PRETTY good.
I plan on getting one next month, just to hard to pass up. I would get the Imalent MS03 but do not like there flashlights at all, over priced with low quality aka problems and there UI is weird. Not sure about the long run times do to these flashlights being very power hungey monsters, My NSX3A ups 35A on turbo and the NSX4 is said to pull a whopping 45 amps! I am curious if anyone has measured what these two flashlights really do.
I also have the NS53A and LOVE it. It does guzzle cells but not enough to be an issue. I always have extra cells for that reason anyway. That’s what I love about the idea of getting the 7000 mah version. It will be very respectable runtimes. Plus it only pushes 11,000 lumen on the 26800 instead if 13,000. I think it will be just fine.
Im a but pissed I only got a 15% discount on it instead of 25%. When you do get it, make sure you put the code in from this page. With battery and charger it’s only $59. If you get just the light, it’ll be way cheaper.
Oh also, remember that any purchase under $50 on Neals will have shipping fees of about $8 I think. The flashlight with no battery is $41 and change so really it’s $50, it may just be more bang for your buck to get the $59 26800 version if you’re only planning on buying this. Just saying.
I recently got the Imalent MS03 and the Lumintop FW21 Pro. The MS03 has the most raw power but the FW21 is far better constructed and the UI is far better. And it still generates a massive amount of light for such a small torch!
I have the Nightwatch NSX4 in 26800 format. It is my brightest by a margin pocket rocket “Cargo Pocket Rocket” light. You supposedly get 11,000 lumens at 35 amps with the 26800 cell, instead of 13,000 lumens at 45 amps with the Samsung 30T. I found the cells sold in the USA for $4.75 each. 26800 Lithium-ion battery I use the Olight Universal Battery Charger. In hindsight I’ll give up the 2000 lumens at 10 amps for that longer turbo runtime. I’ve got 5 of these cells and like their performance so much that I’m cutting 2 Convoy L6 tubes into single 26800 cells for a couple of Convoy M3’s.
Thank you Texas Shooter! I was looking for the 26800 cells and had a hard time finding them and not knowing which ones where decent. What a great price for the 26800 cells! Looking forward to seeing your M3 mods using the L6 tubes :+1:
I was very much debating between the FW21 Pro and the NSX3 NS53A. As much as I would have preferred a more robust UI, I had to go with the Nightwatch. They are both such powerhouses that it came down to which one had visibly better heat dissipation. And now that I have it, I love that the NSX3 stays on high endlessly without stepping down (from what I can see). It’s a great light and at an excellent size and price. The FW21 is awesome too tho, you really can’t go wrong with either.
I haven’t received the NSX4 yet so I can’t speak on the brightness differences between the two yet. But I would say figure out what you prefer. Both will be stupid bright obviously so it comes down to either the smaller size (NSX3) or the longer/bigger battery runtimes (NSX4). The NSX4 has the same battery tube as the Nightwatch Stalker (also such an awesome light) so it’s def thicker. The NSX3 is essentially EDC-able to me. NSX4 likely won’t be. The tints are the same so that part is a wash.
If I HAD to have only one, I might go with the NSX3 due to its compact size and stunning output still, but luckily they are so well-priced that I was able to get both. You really can’t go wrong as long as you don’t mind a simple UI, I have other lights so UI wasn’t a major issue for me.
You sure do. I like having the option of going full blast with a 21700 or going for the long haul with the 26800. That’s some pretty damn good flexibility from the same battery tube. I can’t get over the fact that 2 26800 batteries is basically 5 18650’s. Wasting all that power while using High will take a pretty good while still. I prefer single cell lights so much more and this one seems it can have some very promising runtimes in-spite if that.
Well happy flashlight shopping, I hope you enjoy them.
I actually just ordered 5 Samsung 30T’s for $29 incl shipping. I have the FW21 Pro and the two NSX’s are on the way (: I hate having to wait for batteries to charge and this way I can have max power and long life by keeping an extra in my pocket
Thanks again for the recommendation. I’ve been jonesin’ for some new toys today
After owning the NSX3A for a while now I just have to have the NSX4. Like Lojik said the UI is very simple on the NSX3A and easily EDCable. It’s low mode will light an entire room with no thermo load whatsoever. Now that Texas Ace showed where to get good 26800 cell for the NSX4 it’s a no brainer for the amount of power you get per dollar. 26800 6800mAh 3.7v Li-ion Flat Top Battery – Aloft Hobbies Long run times at 11,000lms or 13,000lms using the 30T cells for when you need the sun to rise at night. I have dropped my NSX3 several times on my concrete patio now from several feet high on accident. It has some war marks on it now and its still going strong so that says something about its build quality. I would like to know the actual numbers on these Nightwatch flashlights but do not own any equipment to test them.