Dear fellows, I come before thee with this great question. Should I buy the Nitecore D2 or I2 charger?
I’m planning to use it to charge NiMh, and eventually if as I get into LiIon, charge them as well.
I think that the format is good, I don’t really need more than 2 slots, I just don’t know if I should go for the Digi charger that has the LCD or the Intelli charger that doesn’t.
I don’t really need the display but I want to know if it is worth having it, I don’t want to buy the I2 now and then end up buying the D2 because the display would come in handy.
Thanks in advance for all the responses, I’ve been learning a lot in this great and friendly fórum.
I have both, I like the D2 more. Shows me the charging status much more accurately and has a “low current mode” for charging AAA and smaller Li-ion cells.
My ignorance would never allow me to consider the lower current mode as anything more but a feature, should I use on 10440 only or for regular NiMH AAA as well?
Thanks for the great input, I guess that in the end all I wanted was a little push.
And since you are reading this, does the BLF code apply for chargers or just flashlights? I could use a couple of bucks less on the price. Thanks again!!!
I know the lower current mode is good for 10440, I’m not sure if it’s needed for AAA (but don’t use me as a guide).
Note, the 2014 I4/I2 has “trickle” charging on nimh that can cook batteries. I had the V2 (not 2014) version and was happy. I believe the D2/D4 just stop, so I’m quite pleased with that.
I thank everybody for all the great input and suggestions. I need to ask one more thing though. Do you guys know what kind of plug would fit the brazilian standards? I believe it (the new brazilian plug) is based on the euro plug but it has diferent dimensions, not quite sure which one should I choose.
I only realized I could have a problem with it while browsing HKEquipment. The menu where you can choose the insurance also shows the type of plug you want, and I just have no idea which one would be the best choice.