Can’t speak for the other lights but I really like the SD4A. I like the dual button operation and the direct access to moon mode from off. I agree with saypat though, watch some videos of all the lights, great decision making material there.
With the SF11 you also have direct access to moon mode from off by holding the switch one second, if you do a fast switch you go to last mode (has memory).
I bought the thorefire version when they had a 15$ amazon deal and while it has it's weaknesses . It's a cracking good deal at 15$ i had to buy two to beat the 25$ free shipping prime hurdle but am happy to have grabbed a pair and wished I knew then what i know now :)
It needs high cri and narsil but so do a lot of lights
Thanks saypat for the video, will have a good look at it tonight and thanks everyone for the feedback, very helpful. Looking forward to a 4AA light. I have the 8AA EA81 and really, really like it, so getting a smaller one with four AA's is just what I want for my collection.
Looks and sounds like a winner. The only reason I picked up the SD4A was Amazon had it on sale for $25 and some change. I might grab that SF11 too. Hard to pass up for $20.
Yes, I got lucky. Just so happen to be searching Amazon at the right moment. Think they sold out at that price pretty fast. Don’t know how many BLF’ers got in on it. That Thrunite looks nice too, a bit too rich for my blood but, I would grab one for the right price.