NiteCore JETBeam IntelliCharger 2nd Generation i4 Battery Charger?

I think this charger came out a year or so before the 21700 batteries were available,so I was wondering if there would be any ‘problems’ using this ‘old’ charger with my new 21700 flat top batteries that I am waiting for,assuming that the batteries will physically fit in this charger?
I thought maybe someone here with more knowledge than me on this matter has this same charger and can verify,or do I need to buy a new charger?Thanks.HB

My new 21700 flat top batteries do in fact fit in this ‘old’ charger with a little room to spare,not sure about button tops fitting .HB

I don’t think you will have any problems. I had the original Nitecore charger and it worked with 21700 without a problem.

The main size issue with chargers today is that most don’t take 26800 batteries. These are becoming more popular. Also most chargers cannot take 4 x 26650 batteries.

Bottom line, don’t worry.

If I am not mistaken,if I want to charge two 21700 batteries in this older 2nd generation model charger,I have to use bays 1 and 4 or 2 and 3…something about different charging rates on bays and I can’t find the manual to check,so would you know?Thanks,HB

Nitecore historically has good tech support. You can consider emailing them.

I did,but all they did was give me a link where to buy their current one and two bay chargers….didn’t even try to answer my question.!HB

I did a Google search for...

Nitecore i4 manual

and here's the manual:

Thanks,but that manual is for the ‘newer’ i-4,I need one for the 2014 model.
I found and read a review on the ‘old’ i4 and they mentioned the charging rate on each bay,but really didn’t say too much about it.
Here it is here: Review of Charger Nitecore Intellicharger i4

I think this web page has a link to the old manual:

I think the part about different charging rates for each bay pertains to (2) AAA’s or (2)10440’s,so not really sure about (2)21700’s.
Here is the part that explains that: ” Due to the aforementioned reasons, it is recommended that
a minimum of two (2) AAA or 10440 rechargeable batteries
are placed into the charging slots together. When charging
two batteries in the I4, be sure to always place them in
either slot 1 and 3 or slot 2 and 4”.
This is the manual I was looking for! Thanks,HB

In any case the old charger had two charging circuits, combining slots 1&3 and slots 2&4. So if you have cells that need more power put those in slots 1 and 2. If you have cells that require as little power as possible, put them in slots 1 and 3.

Links to the HJK reviews of the Nitecore Intellicharger i4 of 2014 and of 2017 .

I will be charging two brand new 21700’s,plus two new 18650’s,so which batteries go in which slots?(Sorry,I am a little ‘slow’ today!)
So,when you say “power”,do you mean charging amps?.Thanks,HB

Nicely put.

I was thinking something similar, but you expressed it much better than I could have.

Yes, I do! (kidding) The lowest charging current still can be a bit stiff for the smallest cells like 10440. So when you put in two cells, the actual current is 50% per cell.

You probably look at this question a little different being more knowlegeble,than someone like me with waay less knowledge and a ‘beginner’,so which slots do I put the 21700’s in?.Thanks,HB :person_facepalming:

Used to use a I4 and always used slots 1 & 4 for big batteries so the batts are far away from each other and the charger doesn’t heat up all in one area of unit.
If you want to charge the 2 21700 and 2 18650 batts together doesn’t matter where you put them but they are gonna charge real slow in that machine.

For the 10440 even 375mAh is too much as they are very small capacity so should really get a different charger for them.

Good God, that’s actually a thing? I thought the subject was a gag or joke. :laughing:

Kinda like GlaxoSmithKleinDisneyLucasfilmAOLTimeWarner.

Put them in the outer slots. Then it’s easier to take them out (mind the wrapping!).

@Lightbringer: centuries ago we were young too. Remember:
“When you can take the pebble from my hand, it will be time for you to leave.”

My Shockli 21700 FT would not fit in the charger, I find the charger very slow and dated the Xtar VC8 plus is much better all round

Thanks to all who commented!HB