I recently had a near fail modding my MecArmy SGN3 with a lighted switchbut managed to save it by making a new case after destroying the original.
Well, I've been at it again this time with the Nitecore NU20 after I snapped the clip off the back O:)
Now where's that piece of old shower rail... :D
I reorientated the dual sided PCB 90°, swapped the XP-G2 for a Nichia 219C 5000K, made a remote micro USB charging port and installed a green 1206 LED at the switch in line with a 15k resistor and got to work with the aluminium box tube.
I siliconed a 20mm ARC glass into the case once the front hole was finished.
Magnets installed and components roughly fixed in place. I used an old micro USB plug with grease on it and an 8mm round magnet with some blutak to keep the ports clean and allow easy removal once the JB Weld has set and then filed the ends flat.
Then I cut in some lines on the front & back with a junior hacksaw and stuck a 6mm round magnet onto the switch covering using an 8mm x 1mm rubber o-ring to keep it centered, after setting I mixed up some clear silicone & green GITD powder and replaced the o-ring with that.
Some tidying up later...
The light from the main emitter charges the GITD when on.
Would be better with a clip you say?... ;)
Charging indicators red & green can be seen through the switch and around the reflector due to the 20mm glass.
Hey, just a thought, wonder what you could come up with, with one of the teeny, tiny Nitecore NU05 Headlamp Mates? Looks like a project that’s right up your talented alley.
Thanks, Yeah the bare aluminium is fairly soft but these are my “fridge lights”, I keep them in the kitchen stuck to the side of it so they don’t really come into contact with anything.
The tube was like anodized, a bugger to sand off really but I didn’t like the dull grey colour.
I have been suspicious the Chief Engineer for the Starship Enterprise is here among us modding flashlights.
Nice light, but nicer ingenuity by you CRX .