The SRT7GT was showcased at shot show and announced for release in Q1 or Q2 this year. Has anyone heard exactly when? I want it very bad. I almost bought the SRT7 last week before I saw the demo. I’m glad I saw that before pulling the trigger. I had 3 lights on my buy list for holster carry at work and I already ordered the first 2 this week. I wanted to finish this collection before I move on to a dedicated thrower but I am getting super impatient. Anyone have details?
It is now available for pre-order on BatteryJunction. I bought one and anticipated ship date is April 13.
I just bought a bunch of lights. I’ll have to wait a couple months now.
any news on release date? interesting light for sure and now even has UV light also and the throw increased to 405m impressive!
It is good to see the SRT7 finally upgraded. It still has its faults though. It is another XP-L HI V3 emitter light. 500yards is about standard for any medium sized XP-L HI light nowadays. Having read over the SRT7GT literature a few times I am not really impressed by the colored LED’s they are not as brighter than the originals as they should be. The ads claim it comes with a bi directional clip AND a metal grip ring of which there is no picture of. If this new light still has the old defective low voltage monitor I wont be getting any more Nitecores for awhile. You know…put in fresh 2xCR123 cells and it only reads the voltage as 3 volts thus thinks the cell is about bone dry causing the little light on the reflector head to flash as fast as it can. Both my SRT6 and 7 do this. Pretty poor mistake in design. It will be interesting to see if the new GT actually puts out the numbers NC claim it does this time as the original was just a 780 on 1x18650 cell light. Why no XHP35 HI?
That is the correct thing to do for sure! These high-end flashlights retail prices are very expensive. When you are ready to buy a Nitecore flashlight, try out Andrew and Amanda Outdoors. Their Score A Savings has some really good deals.
God Bless
That sounds lame all nitecores fault low voltage shouldnt be that bad on a light that will cost over 100$ thats crazy…. bah
I was interested in the GT model, and waiting for the 2017 SHOT reviews to hit Youtube. On viewing the reviews, I lost interest. Too much bling for my needs.
I think because you can not obtain same beam intensity, at the same lumens with XHP35 HI in same reflector you get less cd because is a little bigger than XP-L HI.
Example - look to the Armytek Predator, XP-L HI vs XHP HI, light increase with app 40% (1000 vs 1400 lumens) but intensity-cd less than 10% (47000 cd vs 50000 cd)
A lot more current consumption for just a little more throw (3+Amps vs 5+Amps)
After what I see from a review to the other forum, SRT7GT stay at app 850lumens max output…so no much improvement after the old SRT7…not good.
Indeed you don’t see a difference, but when you have side by side 1000lm flashlight and 800lm flashlight, you can tell the difference with no instruments, there is visual difference in brightness.
That been said, I will stay to my SRT6 which I will shave the led ( I saw that is a big increase in cd, very similar to Dobberman XP-L HI, more than 30000 cd after shaving the led )
With what appears to just be some 5mm LEDs added around the rim of the main reflector, the RGB part of this light is still inferior on output and throw to the Ledlenser P7QC. Really surprised there is still no serious competition for the P7QC.
I encourage to read my reviews in Polish language,62879.0.html
And translated by google\_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&