Hey folks I am running a give away in conjunction with Gearbest we are giving away a Nitecore TIP Key chain Christmas edition to enter all as you have to do is. Gearbest promo Giveaway
2) Share my give away link once to any social media outlet. Youtube, Facebook,Twitter,Forum,Blog. Run outside and yell it at some one? Go old school and grab a bell and do the hear ye hear ye.
3) Comment under my give away video i am in
Contest is from the 24th-30th of November i was half asleep while doing the video so i did not chose a time standard lol I have done the video 4 times now its doing my head i am meant to be fishing! The winner will be chosen by Random.org i may need some ones help to use it.
I am not even 100% sure if i can but i am opening this up to the BLF family.
It was only meant to be for Youtube but i know heaps of people here are anti social I cant talk i am probably the worse one! So just share this link any where if you do not want to share my video and post* I AM IN* here in this thread. I do not share my own videos normally. I only share my video here so i know how you feel. If you do not have any social media accounts go and spam other forums its open to all countries!
Sorry for my lack of enthusiasm in the video just woke up from a nap and i am not even meant to be Sydney and i am still home finishing this. Show me some love please.
I forgot to add Gearbest wanted to send me the Light but i said shipping will kill it. So the contest is short because i had a whinge i dont have $50 spare to pay for shipping overseas. Yes i need to eat some concrete and harden up!
Okay lads thank you all for entering! The winner has been chosen i hope i done it right. I have never used Random.org! dikzak you are the winner sorry for getting your name wrong on the video i will message you now!
Thanks lads. I am surprised that more people haven’t joined in. I didn’t write but by posting here I can’t really track who subs to my channel. That is why I allowed people to write in here. In case no YouTube account I am trying to get around gearbest rules lol. Honestly I only want subs who actually want to watch my vids. We are all adults here and know what’s really going on. I appreciate the giveaway but we all know it’s advertising. Seeing as we all spend so much here I posted here.
Few people have joined in as it’s all too hard. GearBest tried to get me to run a giveaway, which I turned down. Probably explains why they haven’t sent me anything to review lately! I don’t understand why they can’t run all their own giveaways.
I subscribed. I have enjoyed some of your vids and reviews you have done.
I am a big fan of Buck knives. Been carrying the same Buck folder for 36 years. It is on its second blade and they stand behind them. Their heat treating process leaves the blade a little brittle so don’t use it as a pry bar.
Yep I didn’t want to go there a gay couple train at my gym and they weight like 140kgs each I am all to familiar with this lol. Nice guys but they live this life lol