[NLD] – Bob_McModed SC64w XHP35@2700K

Received it last week. This is my first Bob_McBob modded light !

Because I am heading towards lower CCT over the years, I asked bob_mcbob if he could mod my Zebralight SC64w XHP35. I chosen his 2700K option being tint neutral and low CCT. Turned out ABSOLUTELY great! I expected to see some signs that the light had been modified, but it was not the case at all. This man does magic for sure.

Here are some pics:

The Light itself…

Bob_McBob ZL SC64w Cree XHP35@ 2700K

CCT compare

Stairs with Bob_McBob ZL SC64w Cree XHP35@ 2700K

Basement with Bob_McBob ZL SC64w Cree XHP35@ 2700K

Left: Skilhunt M300 V2 Nichia 144ART@4500K. Right: Bob_McBob ZL SC64w Cree XHP35@ 2700K

Left: ZL SC600w Mk IV + Cree XHP50.2 @ 4500K. Right: Bob_McBob ZL SC64w Cree XHP35@ 2700K

I will post runtimes to compare with my original light. Of course, I expect lower output and shorter runtime. This is the price to pay for such a beautiful result :slight_smile:

2 Thanks

Gotta love the way warmer tints interact with wood grain :ok_hand:

Good post and pictures!

1 Thank