No Internationally shipped Li Ion battery anymore?

I got all mine through, wrapped in foil to fool the pesky scanners!

Ordered 21.9.2013, “shipped” 24.9.2013, despatched to overseas 4.10.2013!!! 3 packs containing batteries and 1 flashlight, all from fasttech and via SG

They should ban liquids then!!
It’s a bit like having a marathon where runners are banned in case they fall and injure themselves!!

Anybody who believes a a little bit of foil is going to fool customs needs not to go into the drug trade.

That sucks, I was counting on that tip to make me rich.

why not, darwinism self regulates :stuck_out_tongue:

Better get some of these to smuggle your cells through!

Ordered: 4 Li-Ion cells (and 1 driver) from FastTech
Order placed: Sep 18th
Sent via: Singapore Post
Shipped acc. to FT: Sep 22nd
Arrived: Oct 8th (~ 1 week slower than the usual HK Post package)

But it came through, that matters most.
Surely it was the foil… :wink:

Cells are Sanyo 2600, all came at (Edit: 2.75 2.80~~) 3.75~~ 3.80 Volt and engraved with UR18650FM R32A - which should translate to 2013, 32th week. Pretty new, if that’s really true.

Fingers crossed for all of you who are still waiting.

Only in China national DAY lasts more than a week :expressionless:
batteries or not, all my packages are stuck there more than 2 weeks now…

Mistake? That is low voltage for fresh cell

I suspect so. Just this morning I got my order of the same Sanyos from FT.

All measured at 3.79V. Wrapped the same way but in with quite a few other items in a large envelope.

Maybe this foil thing is a “face saving” thing, i.e., vendors may have been protesting to HK Post about this whole shipping batteries thing, and so they all agree that doing SOMETHING, like this, at least.

I just received my 4 panasonic ncr18650pf. They were wrapped in the foil and it took 14 days with singapore post to UK.

All cells are 3.65v out of the box. According to the label they have been manufactured in July 2013. So definitely a great deal.

Yes, mistake. It’s 3.xx. I correct my post.
Thanks for the heads up.

Good news, FastTech will continue to ship them still but advise to order cells separately or with a flashlight:
FastTech forum sticky
BLF discussion

Efestbattery also ship, now by Shanghai Post instead of Hong Kong Post (thanks Helios for the notice).

AKA China Post…

China Post is not bad! I got some packages quite quickly.

Told you……… 8)

“Hey guys, lets make our battery shipments look like small bricks of cocaine, and only do it to the shipments with batteries…”
