I was looking around for a new build and am likely going to pick up the HD2010 from OL’s group buy but I found a few other interesting lights while researching. I considered (still am considering) getting the small sun t08 as that seems to be popular and can run two 18650s. While looking around I also found the t16 which seems to be pretty nice too. Same head as the t08 but runs on a 26650. Seems like a nice competitor to an HD2010 and IMO looks better. Yet, there isn’t much info on it, any reason why? With the extension and ability to run 2x26650s in series, and the success of others in modding the t08 to mtg2, why haven’t people used this for an mtg2 build?
Crappy stock driver and very little room in the pill for a replacement driver, would be my guess.
That is true, I can’t find any information about driver space but that could be limiting for an mt-g2 build.
However, I still don’t entirely see why this light isn’t used more for a thrower builds. At $30 it can still be a good base to build a 26650 thrower. An hd2010 is about the same price. Right now my next purchase is between this and an HD2010 from OL’s group buy at about$22. I really like the aesthetics of this one and would be rebuilding it anyways.
Parallel generally is easier and better to Hot Rod a flashlight.
Series means buck driver, more voltage but more issues with batteries not being balanced.
This light has the same head as T08 but T08 has much more options for modding.
Get the HD2010 and don’t look back. I have multiples of both but at the group buy price the 2010 is the winner.
Or, buy both! sooner or later you should have both in your collection.
For what it’s worth the last one I got from Wallbuys had less refinement on the milling of the tailcap, but pulled more amps than the one I got from FastTech. They both look good however.
It looks like a T08, but adapted to use 26650’s.
Might want to get it here?!
I’ve had the ZY-T16 in my wishlist at DX for a while, but just can’t bring myself to order it. I don’t like the 9.5” length.
I have a few 2 cell 18650 and 26650 lights and the ones I really like are the Fandyfire G36 and the Nitefighter F40C. They’re both right at 8” long and fit well in my hand. My other 2 cell lights are over 9” long and that one extra inch makes them front heavy and awkward to hold.
I got one at Banggood, but they didn’t send the extension tube.
Convoy L2 looks much better and is of superior quality.
My stock driver of the T16 drives an MT-G2, it’s 5 mode with 2 blinkys, ~2.2A on high, resistor mod possible.
Driver is 22mm press fit.
Pill is ok, Aluminum, diameter 33.5mm, 16mm high, 1.5mm thick under star.
Driver hole diameter 19.8mm, max. driver depth 8.9mm.
Diameter for star is 25mm, no holes for screws.
I have one, never used it yet, wouldn’t buy it again.
I’m curious as to why almost no one has this light when it seems to be a great competitor to the HD2010?
Because everyone else already has a ZY-T08 and a HD2010? Kinda like buying a over/under 22lr/12ga when you already have both kinds of guns in the safe.
But why the HD2010 over this light. I know I’ve seen posts about people looking to get the HD2010 or a 26650 light but why do such a large amount of people end up with the HD2010 and never even consider this one?
HD2010 has a much sleeker design and there’s a good chance you get one with the capability of 4-5A drive with no modifications.
The small sun you get a meager 1-2A with a tiny pill that essentially requires modification.
Exactly what I thought for a long time.
Review of small sun ZY-T16 on polish forum (google translate link) http://translate.google.pl/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&js=n&prev=\_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.swiatelka.pl%2Fviewtopic.php%3Fp%3D141705
Also a lot people say that it sucks don’t get one. But no one seems to have one hmmmmmm. Get one and form your own opinion, they are not very expensive I got mine for $22 on a sale.