You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:
This is just me drumming up interest, and seeing if it is even worth asking Hank about.. thanks for responding!
or- if you happen to know Hank really well, just ask him :))
I voted navy blue, but I’d really like a white option
Not one of your options but should be imo, the original smooth green
I assume it will be available in the usual Emisar/Noctigon colours such as black, grey, and cyan?
In order:
Raw or silver
Chocolate brown
Eggplant or dark purple
Maroon or dark red
Lighter, bluer green color, like the kind the Toyota Prius used to come in
I’ll be surprised if any of these happen, we have options already
And please DO NOT use the chalkboard style texture, just the normal semi gloss HAIII
Honestly I like their Sand colour. That’s what I have on my D4V2 and I’d probably get it again
I might not be getting the new flashlight, but I voted.
I like certain shades of blue and green the best, so I chose navy blue.
Red. As long as it’s a nice deep red.
Olive drab hard anodized.
i meant to put Raw Aluminum as an option too.
Maroon or a similar dark red would be amazing - it seems purple is the most popular option. A dark, rich purple color would look really cool
I don’t know if I’m getting the new light yet, but I assume that whatever new color gets adopted will probably be applied to other products going forward. I think bright orange is a great color for anyone who uses their lights outside and might potentially misplace it in some leaves or grass. Red is a nice color too but I think a lot of red finishes tend to look cheap so I voted orange.
Okay. So what is this new thrower and what are the specs? That’s more important than the color. Is this another version of K1?
there are pictures of new thrower on the Hank Wang BLF Thread. No Specs yet.
I agree, i dont love the Convoy red as much as i thought i would, i got the C8 recently. I do REALLY like FireFlies e07x deep red though, but that red is paralleled by none, it is pretty much perfect. If the red is not AWESOME, then it does look like plastic / cheap..
Orange is fantastic, just look at the M2r..
Maroon WOULD be awesome. good call!
Wow that E07x in red looks sick! Of course, the red version would be out of stock.