I ordered a Noctigon KR1 from intl-outdoor,com (https://intl-outdoor.com/led-flashlights/noctigon-kr1-tail-e-switch-pocket-thrower.html)
to do this little LED swap with the New Luminus SFT40 emitter. I ordered the sst40 version of the KR1 from Hank after an email exchange with him revealed that he puts a 7.5amp driver in the sst40 version of the KR1. I already had the W2 version with the osram CSLPM1 but that has a 5amp driver, and according to Djozz's awesome SFT40 review and test (https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/67043) it looks like the SFT40 is only getting warmed up at 5amps and really performs the best at around 9-10 amps. So the 7.5amp driver seemed like the best option Hank had to offer. Although i didn't ask him if the new 9amp DT8 driver (running Anduril 2) could be installed, i probably should have asked that ...
Anyway, this is a quick one. i have a couple pics and a couple shots outside, but last night (when I did this) wasn't the best night for taking beam shots with the humidity. I also would like to find a little better place thats more open to show these LED's at work.
The KR1 is still one of my favorite lights due to its pocket-ability and performance, plus form factor.
The SFT40 beam looks like how I would imagine an SBT90.2 would look (beam-wise) in the KR1 reflector (everything looks so good in the KR1, every LED I have ever put in it has a nice even beam consistency) with a wide hotspot, and wide, full spill. The only difference is the SFT40 is of course half the lumen of the SBT90.2.
The heat was actually not too bad, the SFT40 version with the larger driver heated up at the same rate or maybe even slower than the W2 version.
The throw is visually the same or maybe 10% less than the W2 CSLPM1, but the usable beam is easily double and the lumen output looks double in Real Life, and in practical use. Its hard to determine from the pictures, but the spill on the SFT40 version is awesome and impressive! I can't wait for the next 2-3 lights to come in for this LED.
SST40 Stock
Convoy board fits perfectly, used original centering ring too
All back together
quick beam shot, and my shoes
Side by side with KR1 "W2"