Hey cncyana: thanks for the pics……first time I have been able to find any comparisons btw the SKyray and the M43.
My SRK has the 9 cree xmls2 so I wonder if the M43 would still surpass it in output as your pic shows
that it did with your T4 here.

Thanks again.

That’s just a tint comparison… I used lower modes on the light for it.

The photos are from mhanlen who also happens to own all of those nice lights! I wish they were my photos though.

Dusting off this thread. Stone white is back again @ Intl outdoors
Hank, BTW I dropped you a PM. Thanks

I saw that today and ordered one… too bad there aren’t any coupon codes :frowning: I am still excited to get it. I stumbled across this thread looking for the “perfect” batteries for this, any suggestions, I’d like the longest possible run time over sheer lumens.

The Samsung 30Q button top batteries are perfect for Meteor.

I just bought one … i’m sick of fake lights. Then i bought “genuine” parts form sellers listed as good on this site and they also sold me fake parts.

I just gave up on modding and i went for one of these as they seem to be for real.

also i think i need to get me some of those batteries but dont have the money, so im not sure what i’ll be doing with this light. lol

Yeah, I was going to order them with the flashlight, but got a set of the Sanyo/Panasonic NCR18650GA 3500mAh - Button Top Unprotected instead.
Just curious Hank, are the stone whites old stock, or are they a new run?

new runs


This light is amazing and such a value for the money, thank you for creating it…

No doubt this light will be a classic for quite a while.

The best quality light I have purchased so far!

Finally I submitted my Meteor order (woow) and I would like to point out Hank’s flexibility while trying to fulfill my needs. Looking forward to get the light and thanks again! :beer:

Did you order a custom setup?

Not that extra special, it’s more like the customer care side that is just the way that it should be everywhere else.

I just got mine last week. Nichia 219c model. Only thing I want to possibly change the optics. Anyone put frosted wide spot optics in theirs? Or change them at all? Are the narrow spot optics in it the best match?

I have played with the optics in other triples, but not my meteor… You don’t get as much throw as with a reflector, even with the “narrow” optics. The wide would be 160+ degree fan of light in the meteor. Personally I am staying stock on mine, but two wide and two narrow would sound interesting, you could use frosted narrow to keep the look the same when the light is off…

I have a M43 in the sandstone with the Nichia 219c emitters. To the eyes, it is perfectly white. I compared it to the NW cree in my Fenix HL, the cree’s look ok on their own but look subtly green when compared to the Nichia 219c. It’s nowhere near as warm as my cree hi cri lights. I do really like the incan look of the hi cri lights when they are overdriven. This is different, more like bright sunlight and way brighter than any hi cri emitters that I have seen.
I really don’t like CW lights in floody lights. Maybe it reminds me of the mercury vapor lights that I can’t stand. But, I didn’t have a 219c light when I bought this and I’m glad I did.

Mine just shipped earlier today. Wow :crown:

Howdy, Torchheads:

I've had mine since the week after Christmas (2015) and couldn't be happier with it. The precision of the craftsmanship is quite remarkable, as is the impressive heft of it. It feels great and quite substantial in your hand and the knurling on the handle makes it very easy to grip and hold onto. I'm one of those folks quick to find the flaws in things and in this I find absolutely none. Even the holster that ships with it is bombproof and very well-constructed. I went with the XP-G2 S4 2B version (7480 OTF Lumens | 33,600cd Intensity | 5700K) and purchased both an XTAR XP4 Panzer Charger (which I recommend without reservation) as well as 8 of the Sanyo/Panasonic NCR18650GA 3500mAh Button Top Unprotected Lithium Ion batteries. I always have 4 in the flashlight itself, and keep the other 4 fully charged and set aside to swap out, should the set in use run out of juice when I'm on the road. If I were to purchase a flashlight all over again, I wouldn't change a thing: same flashlight, same charger and same batteries. Mine was purchased from Richard at Mountain Electronics (who totally gets the concept of good service) and came to $269.09 (plus S/H) for everything: $173.99 for the flashlight, $29.90 for the charger and $65.20 for the 8 batteries (@ $8.15/each.)




This beast throws a blazing amount of light. Don't hesitate; just buy one. It's the last one you'll ever need.



I have 3 of them.

Agreed. I’ve had mine for a while now, and think it’s still the most amazing light ever.