Nominate Best AAA Pocket Flashlight

Nominate some excellent AAA pocket-carry AAA flashlights for me. Quality over cheap. Plenty bright. Something to hug & love. I got my eye on a maratac. But Banggood’s got some nice ones.

Save me some research time plz. What are the best AAA pocket flashlights out there?

I like my Lumintop tool AAA.

I’ll second the Lumintop Tool. The BLF-348 is pretty good too.

I still like the Smiling Shark SS-5039, in spite of its under-driven generic LED and plastic works, because it isn’t cylindrical. It is one of the best shaped and finished flashlights of any size and price. Brighter lights with the same shape that I have found aren’t as well made and finished. It has a very unusual roughened surface.
Second, I like my new copper BLF Special Edition.

Eagletac D25AAA
Astrolux Manker A01

Another lumintop tool vote, specifically the reylight copper version.

Well, I lost(or was stolen) my LD01SS which I ran exclusively on 10440 and kept on my keychain until I got the Preon Evo (AAA) which lasted many years until recently replaced by the ReyTool Ti 219B (AAA)

Now this new Ultratac K18 brass is my goto, and is in the pocket of all 3 of my hoodies and I will present my wife with hers tonight. It is sanctioned for 10440 use with a top 360 lumens. The 3+strobe side clicky is sweet and has a lockout by double-clicking. I was told it uses PWM for low, med ( butt it must be rapid, as I can’t detect it) It is cool white, butt not green/blue/purple at all. I’d probably buy a few more iffn they offered a neutral white model. Can’t think of a better AAA for ~$30.

You are going to get plenty of opinions here.

I love the AAA format and have more of them than is good for me.
Here are my nominations:

Best all-time AAA light: ReyLight Tool Titanium. Rey may still have these. Nothing comes close for tint, the excellent switch, perfect UI, and huge value for money spent. IMHO it’s the equal of customs costing twice as much or more.

The copper one is nice but it is heavy and has a protruding tail switch.

The much less expensive Black Anodized Tool is great also, especially if you get the twisty tailcap, which can tail-stand and acts as a momentary when loosened slightly.

Best vintage AAA: Fenix LD01
Best bombproof AAA: Peak Eiger
Best bombproof AAA 5mm led cult light: Nitecore T0 or Fenix E01
Best small twisty: Maratac or Thrunite Ti
Best Monster-Bright AAA: MBI HF-R
Best flashlight bargain ever: The legendary BLF –348

Just cut to the chase and get the Lumintop Tool.

The Olight i3E in silver (120 lumen single mode) It’s been my edc for a couple of months now. Can’t say enough good things about it.

I EDC a Tank007 E09 using a 10440. Some visible PWM but as reliable as it gets. Wouldn’t want to be without my tiny powerhouse :smiley:


I second the Olight i3e in silver


For EDC purpose, I like my Lumintop Tool AAA aluminium.
For “fun” light, my BLF 348.

Lumintop Tool with a 10440 in it. Haven’t found a better AAA for the money.

Does the BLF348 count as “plenty bright”

Thorfire PF03
BLF 348

Maratac AAA, take your pick on MOC (I like the copper the best myself).

KD V6 buckle
thrunite ti
BLF 348
Lumi- tool
o’light ti

1. The best with aaa now with big difference is the Ultratac K18

2. Very good also Olight I3S (I love the I3s-Cu versión)

3. Maratac aaa is impressive, but overpriced. (Maratac aaa rev 3 in copper, wow, nice!!)

1st place… Ultratac K18 brass or SS …electronic switch AAA or 10440

2… Astrolux A01

3… ReyTool AAA Ti

4… Lumintop Tool AAA