Nominate Best AAA Pocket Flashlight

I agree!
imo any of the Tools with Nichia is an outstanding choice, and I really like the option to lego with Maratac.

The Joy of High CRI Copper

More Joy

I have few AAA torches and I like them all :slight_smile:

- Lumintop Tool

- ReyLight AAA copper

- Fenix E01

- Fenix e99Ti

- Vollsion SP11

  • Thrunite Ti

Any version of the Lumintop Tool.

Is there a discount code for GB for the BLF-348?
Also for BG for the Astrolux A01?

Thanks, Jerry

Astrolux A01! Perfect modes, very light and good anodizing/quality.

Blf 348 . Lowest price ever :


Code: bglfc – US$6.80

Thanks, George. I always like to save a few cents-or dollars even better.:slight_smile:


I have try to put the discount code with the item on cart, but it do not run for me. So I have pay it 8$…maybe I’m wrong?? :frowning:

I ordered several of them a few days ago and the code worked.

It appears that the Astrolux A01 is now marked “Promo” for August 20 to August 31, so codes cannot be applied.

Lumintop Tool
Granted its the only AAA light I have. Read through this thread and determined it was my best shot.
Wasn’t too impressed at first. Went ahead and tried the “low is good for 38 hours” test.
Passed with flying colors and was still strong at 40 hours. What’s amazing is that low is a very usable amount of light.
I’m now impressed and its on my keychain.

impressed is when you put a 10440 in it . Then the lumitop tool “shines ”

The tool has no protection circuit, and LiIon requires special chargers and safety precautions. I dont recommend LiIon to a newbie.

Imo the Tool goes great with Eneloops though, rechargeable, and not the safety risks of LiIon

for someone serious about LiIon use in a Tool, I recommend the ToolVN

what I like most about the Tool is that it is available with a Nichia, but only the Copper version… I happen to love Copper
and really like the way the Tool fits on a hat for hands free

After reading how well liked the BLF 348 is I decided to try a couple of the 348 Nichia NVSW219BT - V1 240Lm from GB.
They arrived today, and I am very much under whelmed by the light. I compared it with the Huxsby xp1, and I like the xp1 better. The xp1 has a hot spot that gives it more range, and it seems to put out noticeably more light. I assume it is the SS body that many like, but for me the Hugsby is the better of the two for me.


The 348 is a very floody light. If you want a small light with some throw, this is not for you. Nor is the 348 very bright on a AAA, though I do find it a good moderate brightness for indoor use or for lighting an immediate path outdoors. You can put a lithium-ion in it if you want bright, but it gets hot quickly with that.

The reason why people like it is because it’s the least-expensive high-CRI light you can buy. It’s a simple 1-mode light, with an easy-to-use clicky, that anyone instantly knows how to use.

There’s nothing wrong with the Hugsby, but it’s not high-CRI.

It bright enough to do what I do, which is look into dark areas or cabinets, and if I do happen to be out at night it is a walking light. I had thought it would rival the Huxsby for overall brightness. I do not regret purchasing the light as I will gift it to someone who uses it similar to my own use.
I also like the 1 mode clicky due to its simplicity of operation.

Thanks for the comment.

I just picked up a Thrunite TI3 and for a flooder it’s impressive. Great on a AAA and stunning on a 10440, but all flood and no throw, so I still prefer my Tank 007 E09, PWM and all.


After using it awhile I decided I do like the Mini SingFire SF - 348. I found what appears to be a good deal here. Price is $4.49 and in stock.

I like my 348, but like my Tank007 E09 even better. I don’t have one of these, but I’m really Jonesing for one.

lovin’ my ReyLight AAA Tool Ti

my son has the black ano Lumentop Tool, and is very happy with his as well.

BOTH are great lights, Are the advantages of nice tint, modes in the proper order, and Ti finish worth the difference in price? To me it was, to him, not - that’s the great thing - each to their own.

It’s on my keychain, despite it not functioning w/10440
which all of my hoodie AAA’s must do