I got four of these cheap AAA flashlights to put in emitters in various colours. They’re not the best quality, but still a nice aluminium tube and these are for occasional tinkering.
Any thoughts on how to safely remove the plastic lens at the front. It appears to be friction fit and quite out of ideas
I have one of those, or very similar. I agree it looks like the mcpcb and reflector were put in from the front (I believe I can see the entire width of the reflector under the lens).
I’ll tinker around with it later. I don’t mind destroying mine.
You will find, in buyers pictures, that there is a pill, corresponding to the part below the knurling in the head. It can be dissassembled. It is not in the place indicated by @jon_slider , but a little bit above.
Here are 2 screenshots from that product (in case you can’t open the link):
It appears you may need to pound out the entire head assembly from the lens side. I’ve done this with other cheapo flashlights.
And in order to preserve the plastic lens, you can use a wooden dowel about the same size as the lens and gently hammer the entire assembly thru the head.