Yeah, I hear you. But when you talk to him next, see if he can shed some light. Very curious about this. I have twin 519A in a FF PL47mu. In this photo, you can see it on the far left:
Very nice blend of 5700k and 2700k. Domed.
EagleTac! Now there’s a name I’ve not seen mentioned in a while. They made some great flashlights. I just never got around to buying one. Somehow I had the impression that the brand had gone out of business, but it looks like they’re still around. A bit pricey, though. Up to a V3 now, LINK. They look sharp and the front end reminds me of an original Jetbeam RRT01.
The Acebeam K75 is a beast of a price. Astrolux FT03S is nice, but I don’t like NarsilM. Wurkkos TS30S with SBT90.2 is really super. Check out Cannga’s posts about it. If you’re interested more in sheer throw than massive spill, consider a Wurkkos TS11, SFT40. Looks like a Thrunite Catapult mini, but with aux-LEDs and $20 less (plus, they’ve got multiple colors AND there’s an 18650 tube option, not available on the Thrunite).