Non Flashlight orders/received

Yes that is true.

However, a fully charged lead-acid battery will not freeze until –92 F (–69 C) . If at 40% charge it will freeze at –16 F (–26 C)

–16°….never happen in NM….BTW I hear The Hulk will be patrolling you guyz soon.
We were pulled over by your state troops…just a warning and a recommendation for an authentic local restaurant in Gallup.
Great Tip.

You have a choice to use a cigarette lighter socket (always live) or use the crocodile clips to connect straight to the battery ,both connectors come in the pack.

Just received my Kerhaw PT-1 micro pry tool.

Quality little tool/key chain. I’ve been in situations where I needed to pry something small open (i.e. can of paint, soda can, staples, etc.) And I will never use my EDC knife to pry anything, so now I am set.

OK, I am green. If you need any help just ask. We are looking fwd to see some chips flying and new light creations. :+1:
I see Your new Smithy Granite XT will thread with a halfnut lever. You have the full Monty. Just be safe and careful with it.
Enjoy your new toy. :smiley:

I am hoping to get good enough on it to make some lights . Watching others , and seein the cool designs , Somewhere along the line I always say to myself I wish I had a lathe . Plus I’m always fabricating parts and such by hand so this will help that process go faster .

The more you use it, the better you will get. Just be careful, a lathe is the most dangerous machine in the shop.
I witnessed a man get his jacket arm sleeve ripped off at the shoulder seam in about 2 seconds. He was polishing a small diameter shaft with 2” wide emery sanding cloth, if the sleeve had not came off, he would most likely been killed. Long sleeve, even tightly worn is not safe. Stringy chips accumulating in the bed pan can get pulled back up into the chuck and grab you. You certainly have a fine machine there. It will serve you well and provide much enjoyment. :beer:

Picked up a longer headphone cable (16 ft). This is my first experience with this brand. Quality seems very nice. They also claim 99.99% OFC, alas, I can’t verify that.

Getting some test equipment ready.

It's 44° F and windy here.

My ski jacket keeps my upper body warm.

I'm wearing jeans and my legs are a little cold.

My face is quite cold as I do not have the hood over my head.

I guess any decent ski jacket should be warm enough for Palm Desert, and I really like this jacket, so it was a good purchase.

Tonight has been one of the coldest nights this (very mild) winter, especially with the wind.

If your battery was that worn, I would think it is ready to be replaced anyway. 3-5 years is normal lifetime. Maybe longer if you are good at charging it? It is easily replaced by yourself, Google for instructions, finished in 15 mins.

Even with a new car battery, driving mostly short trips, I choose to charge the battery once pr month. In summer every 2nd month. I hate when the car doesn’t start because of empty battery, ofc it mostly happened at unfortunate situations. You will need to drive 200-300 km trips charging up a half empty battery using the dynamo. My charger tops off at 14.2v, and resettles shortly after at 13.5v (if remembering right). The charger saves me from lots of worries and hassle. :smiley:

im a bit of a biach for LV

For AGM batteries, lifetime should be about double that of flooded (standard). But letting mine go for long periods on a low charge may have damaged it. I have replaced batteries before, so I know the deal. I just don’t want to shell out another $200 if I can delay it. The reconditioning helped recover it, but if car is left to sit unused for a full week, charge is down to 12.1v… still starts the car, though. I don’t have a garage so I can’t just leave it plugged in for long periods easily. I run a very long extension cord out to the parking lot. Extreme cold in winter challenges batteries so I’m expecting when temps warm up the resting voltage will be closer to 12.4v. A normal healthy battery will rest at 12.7v. That 13.5v is only momentary, shortly after recharging.

New scarf? Or tattoo? :wink:

New scarf pal

Tattoos have been there a long time and need a lot of work

One day I’ll get them fixed

Just got some of this stuff for an upcoming oil change. It’s around $19 a jug on Amazon currently, and possibly at Walmart as well.

That’s a good price. Shipped?

Are you going to remove to old oil by pumping it up? Or tap it off under the engine? Then I think it is rule of thumb to also change the tap-screw and the sealant at the same time. Also put some oil on the sealant to prevent leakage. I’m sure you already knew this.

Castrol is some of the best oil brands, and $19 for 0W-40 synthetic is a steal. Talk about budget oil change.


Extraction from the top. Cartridge style oil filter is located at the top as well, so it’s an easy and clean oil change job.

Got myself the waterpik. Anyone here use one of these?