Non Flashlight orders/received

Pik is the Dutch word for “dick”.
That’s the reason They do not sell these very much over here :smiley:


Good thing I’m not Dutch then, or else I would have thought this product may have been intended for a completely different application. :slight_smile:

I have a Waterpik!

I neglected my teeth for many years, but I've taken very good care of them in the last 5+ years.

I brush, floss, use mouthwash and a Waterpik.

How does this thing work?

It sprays a stream of water that you floss your gums and teeth with.

I use regular floss as well because it's better to use both.

Yesterday I got a pair of Atalaia Troller boots…

… and two grills for my Electrolux oven. The latter are heavier and feel more sturdy than the one that came in the oven by standard.

I took my dog, Charlie, to the vet today.

They had to clean his teeth and remove two tumors from his chest/belly.

Total cost:


Charlie is turning into a rather expensive dog.

Soooooo, what’s the vet’s name?

Anyhoo, expensive or not, it always beats the alternative.

I don't know exactly who did the operations.

There's a group of vets at Banning Veterinary.

It's about an hour's drive away from Palm Desert, but they do good work on the cheap.

If I were to take Charlie to a vet in the Coachella Valley, it would have cost a lot more.

He's a very good dog, and I'm glad to have him.

I just hope he doesn't get any more tumors because they are relatively pricey to fix.

Aha. Thought that since you introduced your dog, you’d introduce the vet, too. :laughing:

I had 2 cats die within days of each other, completely unrelated causes, because the almost nonexistent symptoms didn’t seem serious enough to take ’em to the vet.

One just ran around a while then moped the next day, which he did about a week earlier and then was “back to normal” by nightfall, but the second time he didn’t “recover”, so by the time I took him the next day, it was too late.

The other had what looked like a toothache, swollen where the vet himself popped off a plaque “cap” from one molar. Tooth must’ve been cracked underneath, got infected, and he ultimately got septic. I even checked by gently pressing on the bump, and he didn’t even flinch. I figured another day or so and I’d take him for some ABs, “just to be safe”. Again, too late.

It’s (very) little consolation, but I was told that cats intentionally hide any aches, pain, discomfort, anything. When they do show any pain, it’s at the point of being unbearable. Great, now I know…

Still don’t think I ever forgave myself for waiting.

Just received a Sennheiser SC60 USB headset (Amazon link).

Anything that has to do with video conferencing is getting harder to find in stock. This headset shipped right away last week. But now, shipping says: [quote] "usually ships in one to two months" [/quote]

I have that one. I stopped using it because it was giving me massive ear ache if used for more than 15 mins at a time because the center plastic element of the earphone was putting pressure on my tragus.

Granted, all our ears are shaped differently, so hopefully you won’t have the same problem.

Thanks for the heads up.

Here's a photo of Charile, from his first morning after surgery.

He rolled onto his back, and couldn't get back up.

My mom helped him up, but he did experience enough pain to make an unsettling noise.

Poor guy

Today he rolled onto his back, and was able get back up without making a noise.

He's also moving around a lot better than Friday or yesterday, so it seems he is getting better.

We have to take him back to the vet in about two weeks to get his stitches removed.

He also has to take pain pills for those two weeks.

RC, I hope your dog makes a quick and full recovery.

As far as non flashlight orders, I just got a 5 cu. ft. Frigidaire chest freezer from HD. Given the current situation, wife started cooking more and wants to be able to freeze some of it. The little freezer compartment above our fridge is bursting at the seams.


Do you have pet insurance?
our dog needs anesthesia for a teeth cleaning, almost $1000???
Neighbors dog swallowed a piece of felt, chihuahua… stomach surgery, $6000

No, I do not have pet insurance.

I just take my dog to a very cheap, but good quality, vet's office.

Had another eBay voucher and downloaded their app to use it (deleted it afterwards).
Ordered and received within 6 days from Japan (!) to London, just before I fly back to the US now.
It is a Kenko monocular to spot animals, people, airplanes and cars.
Quality looks ok so far, paid about 6 $US after coupons and discounts. I am happy with the purchase, shipping, packaging, item (even got a holster for free) and the overall service. Can’t complain for the price.