Non-torch interests

I read your headlight modification thread and immediately bought some emitters from you for my bike (bicycle) light, as I’m getting used to 80+CRI in my other lights, and I can’t go back now. :smiley:

How do you find the difference in CRI affecting your riding experience?

To prevent cluttering this thread, I answered it in: (I guess) 1st scooter with High CRI Nichia LED headlights - #21 by clemence

- Clemence

but that is part of making money here so kind of hobby/work thing.
Used to grate garlic when I needed small tiny pieces and when I needed a lot of finely chopped onion I used a food processor.
Nowadays, a good chefs knife and cutting board is all I need to chops it all as finely as I want, faster then machines can I get to the result, saving uch more time for not having to setup, clean and put away a device or different tool then a knife.

Tonight falafel, to optimize the way I make them.
And with finely cut outer leaves of a green cabbage, baked with some oriental oriented :smiley: herbs and spices. Good thing the chick peas are still soaking, can’t wait to eat that :slight_smile:

A dedicated food pictures thread please! :wink:

No pics, and didnt post a lot yet, yes will post what I made today:

I have done most of the things mentioned so far in this thread, but the one that is really addicting for me is Solidworks modeling. 10 years running, and I just can’t stop! Today I modeled and 3D printed a mold to cast 1/2 pound of solid copper on to the handle of a spoon as an “inertial dampener” for my Grandpa. His hands shake because of Alzheimer’s so he asked for a 1/2 pound spoon. Another active project is a knife. A beefy (9” total) fixed blade with G10 scales that I am trying like hell to perfect the center of gravity… and just about have it. And yet another Solidworks project that is coming along nicely is an abrasive waterjet CNC. That will really unleash my CAD addiction :smiley:

I didn’t mention this because I’m far from professional expert. But I do 3D Solidworks modelling for just about anything I plan to build. I use old 2011 version, the new version cost is just too much for my occasional uses.
The 0,25kg copper spoon is great simple idea! You could try wrapped lead wristband like those used in sports. I used it extensively during my leg training in the past.

Cool. You might want to check out It looks and feels like Solidworks and is darn impressive, all in the browser. I believe it’s free for hobby use like Fusion360, but with the Solidworks feel. I only heard about it 2 days after dropping my dough on Solidworks Standard…

Solidworks is what employers will want to see on a resume though.

Well employers can use their imagination :slight_smile:
Look at the prices, and don’t forget to add Tax. Notice the Standard version is missing important stuff like photo rendering and simulations. And you can only use it with one PC. And there are annual fees. And it does not work with HD monitors. Yep, they told me I their software couldn’t handle my 4k laptop screen… Icons were too small to see and I couldn’t click nodes. It really hasn’t been updated since the Solidworks 2009 version I used previously. Also, their ‘RealView’ is disabled these days. I asked what PC I could buy that it would work on, and they named two graphics cards, but said they were not aware of any new PCs that still had them. So graphics are flat.

Been a while but also luv trap shooting, pistols. M16 and .38 Special expert qualification, U.S. Air Force. Rooting, Flashing Android, Jailbreaking iPhones. Various repairs on both and computers/tablets. Looking to get a new motorcycle next year.
Also did my “industrial arts” class in drafting, back when you actually had to hand draw and took 4th place in a Western Pa. Industrial Arts Fair for a drawing of a simple wood workers vise. Was up against drawings of drill presses and such. Thought that was pretty good.
Lifted for 20 years but after a shattered C1 vertebrae, kinda fell out of that, but keep telling myself I should start again, since I seriously believe all that working out saved my life. But after a long days work, I’m burned out by the time I get home at my age. All I wanta do is nap….

If you’re at a university you can probably get it for free. If you work at a company that uses it then they give you a license too.
It works perfectly fine with HD and 4k monitors, you just need to adjust your windows scaling or program scaling.
To use realview you need a quadro or firepro workstation graphics card which you can literally buy from any computer retailer.

I had to cut my screen resolution in half in the Windows settings to make the program usable, but now it works good on my laptop. My beef is that that killed 4K in Youtube and all other programs. But I enjoy using it a lot. The education licenses only activate for 1 year. And all files are forever marked as “educational use only” if you attempt to open them in the full version. My small business bought the Standard license, and I don’t pay maintenance. I will use it forever. Hopefully it still works on my next PC.

Wow, those prices for only a year ?

For example, Standard version is $3995 and you can use that forever. But if you decide not to pay maintenance, you never get bug fixes or security patches or any other updates. Although they allow you to ‘catch up’ on maintenance fees if you decide to. So if in 3 years I find I need an update, I have to pay is $3885 in fees. That’s only $100 cheaper than just buying a second copy of the software. :open_mouth:

Funny story, when I handed my accountant my 2016 profit and loss report, she immediately pointed out the $4000 decline in my business’s expected profit. Then I immediately pointed out the Solidworks expense that caused it.

I bought a “surplus copy” for $500 several years ago as a bonus when I sold my semi digital feed lathe machine. It doesn’t updating anymore. Stopped at SP1
It’s already more than enough being my digital Lego.

Making these outdoor mobiles:




Pour complete! The white tower holds the goods. It’s still glowing red! I’m just waiting for it to cool now.

Recently most of the CAD resellers also offer to “rent” the license per month for a fee of around 200 dollars per month. Not cheaper if you want a full time licence, but it can be cost effective to only pay for your licence when you need it for a project.
I believe SolidEdge, Autodesk Inventor and SolidWorks all offer this option.