Do I just use the contact link? I can’t see anything else. Will BG replace it, or is this a case of hard cheese?
The Nitcore MT10A I received today has a faulty switch. After a while it stops working. First time a light has been faulty. Shame as otherwise this looks like a nice light. There do seem to be a lot of threads about iffy QC with Nitecore.
And, have you looked at all the threads, wiped them out to remove grit and gunk?
Turned the threaded retaining ring(s) to make sure the were tightened down?
Checked for a sharp (and thus tiny) tip on the springs where they should have been bent flat, so rounded off to make a broader contact area?
You may have a defect, or you may just need to do the quality assurance checks that they don’t do to save you money….
And … tried a bit of “bulb grease” conductive lubricant on the threads and the spring tips?
It is the head switch that does not work, the one with two buttons. What happens is that initially step up to maximum, then press the down one a couple of times, amd the light does not change, but then on the next press the light steps down 3 levels. Step up a few times again, step down a few times and then it sticks on a low level, and neither button works to change the level. The only solution is to turn it off, and then we are back to as described above. This is completely repeatable. It worked for a while, I tested out the mode switch many times, then put on the clip, which chipped the ano, and soon after it started acting faulty. Sounds to like an electrical fault, maybe bad heat sinking leading to damage? Mind you I’ve only used this with an Eneloop, and turbo is not exactly high.
This is my first ever Chinese dealer purchase! 8 days in transit, not bad.
Thanks, yes the spring looks okay, the electrical contacts are via the ends of the tube which are unanodised, and they look okay. No idea what the threaded retaining ring is, unless you mean the ring behind the spring in the tailcap. Everything looks neatly made, but I’ve not opened the head.
the behaviour you describe sounds like a defective driver!
make a short video of that (640x480 was always enough for the chinese shops i had to do this )
send to with the explanation and your order number
and when they do not offer to resend (after reasonable conversation back anf forth) PM me and i pull some strings.
Thanks, it seems that the Eneloops that should have been fully charged weren’t, so a battery swap seems to have cured this. Embarrassing, hi ho. It’s a nice light, assuming it carries on running okay.
After putting it on charge on the Maha C9000, it registered high, then dropped to 1.25V. It’s charging now, so the amount of charge put in will give a measure of the original charge state. I’m charging four cells, three were almost full, and took ~100mAh, so that’s good, so maybe this cell was nearly empty and accidentally put in the charged cell box.