Not Reserved and no longer mad as hell


o… no, 2x r… :weary:

Welcome back ImA4Wheelr. I saw sb post on spam threads and thought he was talking about me as I hit the spam button in another thread until I read what happened here. I thought it took three different members to hit the spam button for it to make the post disappear?

You tried, but the response says you weren't clear enough. Maybe something like "reserved thread 1 of 5" would have worked so folks knew you weren't planning to spam the site indefinitely with "reserved" threads. Adding the name of what you were going to review might have served the same purpose too and provided a welcome preview.

Reserved threads and posts don't work well here though, and it's annoying. Add a reserve post after a review, which is really useful when you're going to add more later since editing a long post can really mess up the formatting, and there's going to be at least a couple people that can't resist adding a reserved post of their own.

I also think I hit the report spam button on one thread. I didn't realize you'd get your account locked, especially since there's one spammer that's been around for months and had all his thread unpublished, but somehow still had an active account to add more spam every few weeks.

Do you know a little html? Using it to create your reviews before posting on BLF can help a lot. You can add and preview it without BLF messing up the whitespace in the code, and more easily edit it later without concerns of the editing getting messed up. That won't help when you reserve a second post for things that are going to take more time to add though.

Really? All this time I've been here and you go clicking that little spam button on me?

Me, I just ignore spammers. Seems like the best approach. I would never click that little spam button on you or any of the other respected members here. Hell, I've never clicked that thing once. I would give you the benefit of a doubt and hope you were up to a good surprise.

That does it. No more giveways from me. I was such a fool to do the ones I've done. Well, you know what they say about a fool and his money.

It actually seems to be more around 5 - 7. Most of the kitchen threads Ive marked have had between 7 and 10 reads. Those are the ones that disappear after I mark them. A few have had, Im fairly certain, 5 or 6 reads, and when I mark them they are still there. If 90% mark them as spam, then the number is likely between 5 and 7. Well, maybe.

I may be an ineffective communicator, but I really think I was clear enough.


You're right about the response saying otherwise. Otherwise about what I thought people were like here.

What has happened to ImA4Wheelr ?

Sent out like a bad used car dealer

So they marked him as Spam

As if he pulled a scam

Thank goodness for sb the healer

It was not your threads I marked as spam. It was a used light salesman in another thread. They give me the pip.

I’m sorry. I really had no intention of attacking your character or getting you disabled.

Just whacked the spam button on this guy’s spam post.

I thought their account got banned after a few spams…

Well, I thought the OP was VERY CLEAR. And, I haven’t been here long myself, but I’d never thought someone like Ima4Wheelr could ever be thought of as a spammer. That totally shocked me. Whoever did this, I hope you feel really low right now. If not, please go away instead of hitting the spam button next time. It’s not a joke, and it’s not funny.

I propose a fix: Spam button obviously needs a little more complexity. I don’t know if this is possible, but here goes. If a spam button is hit, it counts as one unit. The poster being marked as spam gets forgiven or ignored one spam button unit for every 100 reasonable posts in their record. That way, ImA4Wheelr would have had to get 39 spam buttons against his post before it would have affected him. See 3888 / 100 = 38.88, so the 39th spam button pusher would get him. Further, a spam button pusher must have at least 10 days and 10 posts in their own record to get counted.

I've seen that before, which is why I thought that the spam button didn't result in getting banned. Not sure why the real spammers are getting off, and ima4wheeler didn't just get the threads unpublished.

Nope, I don't feel bad about it. That's why I'm fine with admitting it. Some people have a bad day, which is why I thought was happening here.


I’m with leaftye. I was never trying to attack anyone, but it really feels like you (DavidEF) are trying to attack people.

I don’t want to argue about it, but I just don’t see the point of blank threads created for the future. When someone has something to post, they post a new a thread and they edit it as they see fit. Having a bunch of buried threads that are being edited where no one can see them unless they manually check the thread daily is not really how I think forums (particularly this one) were designed to work.

Now, you got me confused. You thought he was having a bad day, so you clicked the spam button. He gets banned because of it. Yet, you don’t feel bad about it at all?

I’m not trying to attack anyone. The attack has been perpetrated, whether intentional or not, and that always puts me into defense mode, cause I don’t like innocent people getting beat up.

I’d be mad too Ima4… The few times I’ve reported spam here have been for true spammers with 1 post.

Of course you're confused. Instead of reading what little text is in this thread, you went straight to a snap judgment.

Pot -> kettle. Snap judgment? You’re one to talk… How about you look up what “SPAM” means before hitting the button next time. And, oh, I dunno, maybe read the text of the OP before hitting the spam button. That might help, too. Your defense is full of holes. Instead of simply saying “hey, I screwed up” now you want to jump on me too. All I said is that whoever hit the spam button should feel bad about it. I know I would, and I think any decent person would, after learning that they had indeed made a mistake that caused an innocent person to lose their account and their faith in their forum friends.

Hmm… It is however somewhat annoying to have people posting empty topics a lot.
I think it wouldn’t be tolerated if a noob posted a couple of empty topics.
Anyway, i didn’t know either how much power the ‘mark as spam’ button has.
I have used it myself a couple of times, usually for real spam (kitchens and stuff…), but also to flag a post for the mods to look in to, just to give a signal to the moderators.
I don’t think anybody wants ImA4Wheelr to be banned.
That’s why i think ImA4Wheelr will not be mad as hell for long. :wink: