Received the light nicely packaged from DX in near-record time today after a short mix-up of whether or not they had it in stock. They have new ones in now, I’m told, but consider a few things before buying…
- cool form factor.
- nice, understated (but firm) black side-switch.
- nice throw (better than C8s, but not great compared to dedicated throwers).
- INSANE flood from the shallower reflector which produces a nice, fat beam.
- can run two 26650s for runtime and output, but you’ll need spacers for 18650s, although I got one to work by just standing up in there. I’ve been using it in “shorty” mode.
- as expected, a wretchedly horrible UI (“next mode memory” - you have to cycle through all five modes to turn the lights off and fast clicking through modes takes it right into disco. Ugg!).
- beam not focused properly and has artifacts, even with the very slight frost of the reflector. This results in some discoloration of the beam and a “+” in the center (but it’s not noticeable in practical use).
- only 600 lumens or so. Barely even gets warm (but truthfully, this was tested on the walk tonight with a somewhat discharged unprotected 18650, so take with a grain of salt).
- PWM on med and low.
- fairly expensive ($28 at time of purchase).
Fit and finish are typical with a few dings and shoddiness throughout, but not bad. Seems like the light would be a great modding candidate as it has some weight to it, but for the price paid - and with its all-too-common budget hiccups - buyer beware.