Figured I’d better get this ball rolling by starting this thread. So, here’s the official yakkety yak part. I will be making another bullet light. 1st time around was a .50 BMG. That was ok, but kinda small. So this time around will be a 25mm cartridge.
Some big differences, other than the simple fact that the empty shell of this one can swallow the entire .50 BMG. I will have to make the “bullet” for this one. I will also be attempting to make the switch from scratch, or as much as possible. The plan here is to use a 26500 IMR cell and if at all possible, a reflector instead of an TIR optic.
Overall length will be about the same as a Crelant 7G5 at around 8.25” long, the “bullet” has a 1” diameter or 25mm. This bullet will be made from 32mm (1 1/4”) Nylatron GS. I plan to have it capable of rotating, and be the actuator for the switch. Not a twisty, but a twist to click the switch mechanism. Spring loaded if I’m successful, such that the bullet will be in a fixed position at rest, and a twist will give half press and full click to the switch then return to it’s resting position. Haven’t exactly committed to an emitter yet, but probably a de-domed XM-L2 U2 1A or higher, run through the new FET driver which I will also build from scratch. (well, starting with a bare board and all the components then assembling it and flashing the UI). So I’m hoping to have some 1500-1700 lumens with as much throw as I can squeeze.
More, soon.
Edit: 3-30-14 Some pics showing scale.
A general idea as to the size of this round. The bullet will be about 3” longer from the top of the case, with a 1” diameter….
Swallowing up the .50BMG, itself a rather large round…
Showing the primer end of the cartridge, should be room enough there for at least a nice TIR, if I can’t find a reflector that suits it…
The 25mm (1”) bore of the cartridge. It’s a big steel cartridge case, definitely gonna have to squeeze some copper into this one…