O-L's Christmas Giveaway of Non-flashlight items #2 We have Winners!

I’m in


I am in, please let me know via PM if I get something, there are countless of this “O-L’s Christmas Giveaway…” threads and I can’t monitor them all. Thanks

i’m in :slight_smile:

I’m in, thanks O-L.

These could be very useful for soldering some copper together, I’m in! thanks

im in thanks!

I’m in!

I’m in. :slight_smile:

I'm in thanks

Pls count me in, tks Justin!


Thanks OL! You’re awesome. I am in.

Im in

oh yeah, i like these, thanks

im curious, in please

i am in, thanks

What’s a “torch”, a flashlight?

Sign me up please.

I’m in, thanks!!!