The claim to fame for this light is exactly that it accepts a single li-ion, add tube length for 2xli-ion and you end up with the UF-1405 that is so difficult to find a suitable driver for .
Hi djozz, good question. Sorry I didn’t mention about my reasons in my earlier comment but here we go:
- There are some BLF drivers available in 20mm, though most of them are also available in 17mm.
- Yes, this gives the option of using a (high current capable) buck driver and two 18350s, and we can run MT-G2 or XHP LED in there. The new LD-2D is quite a good candidate IMO. I understand that zener modded 17mm Nanjg driver does work in this case, but as I said this will open up more options to all of us.
- Some people (like myself) already have the predecessor of this light, which is the 1405. The 1405 is infamous with its pill that can only accept 17mm driver, as a result a lot of good buck driver options have been sacrificed. If this 1504 is offered with pill that can accept 20mm driver then we can interchange the pill with the 1405 one, for instance let the 1405 use 20mm driver and let the 1504 use 17mm driver, best of both worlds.
And again this minor modification of the pill still doesn’t affect the use of 17mm drivers, as one can easily press-fit the 20mm brass ring as a driver adapter.
I think that’s all for my concerns, and I hope I am not creating too much troubles here.
EDIT: I assume that the pill and head design of the 1405 and 1504 are identical, so that we can interchange their pills later.
In response to the brass pills, I don’t know where they will come from. The last I talked to Ali, she said they only have aluminum alloy pills and couldn’t offer brass pills. Then she tried to point me toward a T20 pill which is a completely different animal. There is a definite communication breakdown that I hope somebody can solve. An upgraded pill may have to be made by somebody else. If somebody could make one out of actual copper to our specs it’d be nice, but I wouldn’t count on that coming out of China. She also sent me some host prices, but they were for the 1405 and not the 1504. There is less metal in the 1504 so I would expect it to be a little cheaper. If the prices are close, it will be a good deal
They also have some crazy cheap prices on INR26650E, but I’m assuming they are fake as they are also listing 3600mah 18650’s in uniquefire flames wrappers.
I would be okay with raw Aluminum. It can be polished to look very nice next to the black anodizing on the rest of the body. But, I don’t have a lathe and I wouldn’t want to do it by hand, although it’s been done, and I’m sure I could accomplish it. The light just isn’t interesting enough to me to warrant the amount of work required to cut/grind/polish that huge cog/ring down by hand. What might look even better than grinding it all the way down, is to grind it down just past the nobs, then cut two or three grooves around it to make the look of heat dispersing rings. Polish those to a shine, and that would look really nice! I’d certainly buy a couple if that were done. :bigsmile:
Hmm, communication problems aside, if this light can be adapted for, and delivered with the brass T20 pill, I would not be disappointed at all. It is a standard pill that fits a lot of C8 lights too, and Fasttech sells brass replacement pills.
I haven’t received delivery of my 1405 yet so clarify for me, the 1405 has a different left hand thread pill right? Is there any reason they switched to left hand threads? Does the head on the light twist differently than the t20? How much wider is the pill?
The head twists the same direction as the T20. I have to look at my T20 when I'm home, but I think that in theory with the T20 you could unscrew the pill a bit every time you zoom in, but it just does not happen.
The current pill of the UF-1405 is much wider than the T20 pill, as wide as a 26650 battery, so 26mm.
EDIT: now I'm not sure anymore which head twists in which direction. I'm not home now, I will check tonight if not someone else has the answer.
Isn't that a 105C with too much space on the board? (they could have placed a couple more 7135's on that board to make it stand out from the standard 17mm version, why the standard 8 ?)
You can find 7135 drivers in 17mm though. The question was what single battery driver are in 20mm that you CAN’T find in 17mm. What does it do that this one can’t do at 17mm? There are plenty of great 20mm drivers out there. Many are for multiple batteries in series. There is a good possibility that we won’t be able to get a 20mm opening for the driver. I don’t know yet. For most, the 17mm driver will suffice.