I can’t speak for wight about the driver, but the code is published with an explicit GPLv3 license so anyone can use it as long as they share their changes too. No need to ask.
I’m in for a complete light if it’s only 3-5$ more than host, due to the packaging problems we had before, seems safer.
Please follow KeepItStupidSimple no matter what. As long as it is on DTP pcb (copper would be nice) all emmiters are fine with me. XP-G2 is preferable I guess.
Driver-wise, don’t really care would propably change it anyways. I guess 105c/105d Nanjg with 2,8A or 3A and 4 group with star bridging or 2 group default would be the simplest way: no testing needed(safes a ton of time), reprogramable by buyers, cheap and reasoneble performance. Would pair well with XP-G2 I guess. Not an hot rod but neither a “Laufzeitwurst” (runtime-sausage literally )
Changing the pill and so on is really only going to complicate things, IMO T20 pill is the only real option that is possible other than keeping the stock one. But even then there is a good chance that the factory screws it up, so I’d just keep it stock really.
wow, less than a day and already have requests for 41 hosts and 32 complete lights. I didn’t include some of you that were vague and didn’t make a definite request or said only if this and that or maybe something else happens.
Thank you all for your support in making this happen
@n10sivern, I know you requested an AR coated lens, that one is hopefully of good quality that actually raises the kcd, someone with the 1405 could check before you decide on AR or not on a possible sample, because if it is crap quality AR, the only extra we get is extra bad green & blue cast on the tint & then i MUCH rather have the normal no AR glass lens.
What do you think of requesting an omten switch? i saw in the 1405 thread that someone who bought it directly from Uniquefire’s Aliexpress store got an updated bigger switch that looked almost exactly like an known omten, but there was no omten markings so i guess it is a clone, but we know there is room for it in the updated tail assembly.
Copper beryllium springs would be nice bonus or at least some carobronze springs, or maybe even braided or wire bypassed springs, it can’t hurt to ask & someday the budget light maker in China will get how much it improves performance.
An XP copper DTP mcpcb is probably best to request besides an XP-L or XP-G2 led because then they can buy in just one mcpcb design so it should be cheaper.
The EE A6 GB driver+ TK’s firmware is a very good idea
Remember if you want to use this driver, you have to get the copper DTP mcpcb or the led’s will fry instantly.
As many of these nice upgrades we can get the better product they will have & the less modding we need to do to get max out of it.
Sign me up for a complete light with an XP-L V6 1A, and thanks for doing this.
I want to add that if we could get a proper copper pill, i would be happy to quite a bit more extra. An after market copper pill + shipping could easily cost as much as the whole light
@southland, the reason we would want copper or even brass is because then we can reflow the copper mcpcb on to the pill, an option thats not possible on the aluminum stock pill.