Oh oh - Are we in Deep Do do ????


Oh oh !

Did a little research and I call total BS. Elenin? Really? The guy's name includes ELE, as in Extinction Level Event? I'm not buying that coincidence. No way.

But hey, if it's true at least I won't have any more bills to pay, that's a plus.

Keep your batteries charged!

sure…crap hits the fan and I’m laid up with a badly busted leg and knee. I’ll believe it when we see actual proof, not conjecture. A guided/controlled dark star that conveniently changes velocity to accommodate his theories on it’s correlation to earthquakes…right.


Where can I buy 100+ NiMh and 18650 for a good price? :bigsmile:

Ok, not joking anymore. Really, very interesting video. If it is/will be true, we should start to notice all those "bad things" today, and not only Sept. 26-27. Will try to find more info about.

The other theory is that its planet X ...

Time to stock up - Perhaps !

But then many ancient cultures called 2012 , the end !

Keep your head above water - your powder dry - your flashlight by your side - and stuff like that .


Damn, I thought I had at least another year left.

People need to have something to be afraid for.

Toxics, DDT, failing ozone layer, climate change, communism invasion, nukes, aliens, terrorists, financial collapse, the end of the world...

Choose your favorite

Maybe it is the Death Star, then we need Luke Skywalker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmRfj2dF7gM

Really? This is his source, "Planet X and 2012 Survivors Town Hall"?

It's garbage. 2012 is a hoax just like "Y2K" and the return of "Jesus" on May 21, 2011.

This calls for action! BLF can save the world. If we all point our strongest throwers at the comet/brown dwarf/hunk-o-crap at the same time, it will change course and earth will be safe. For now...

Seriously, some people amaze me. What will they do when we (inevitably) all survive this Elenin-thing? Just postpone it? Or move to the next big 'Thing' ? (Killer-locusts in your cornflakes, the government uses cellphone-frequencies to make your balls itch, eating wallpaper-paste is the only way to avert death by super-cancer)

Can't they have normal hobbies? Collecting flashlights for example?

Well, you are in the right place. At cpf $137.54 will get you a cheap low end light. Here, it will get you many many lumens worth of budget goodness for all of your end of the world needs!:stuck_out_tongue:

This is a pretty good article that downplays the "dwarf star" aspect of the comet, but brings up some important issues regarding the possibility of earthquakes and severe solar flares


Just check out survivalist boards, it has a whole dedicated section for 2012.

I am all about some survivalism only because we don't know what may happen tomorrow but to believe that a fake planet is going to kill everyone because someones bad understanding of the Mayan calendar says it will happen is just retarded.

I could not agree more...

Common sense should be used. You always should have something "for the rainy day".

Maybe not a years or couples stock of food, personal bunker or bug-out farm + tons arm armament, but still...

I have taken care, that I can heat my small apartment with wood even when electricity goes out at winter.

I'm not sure what this guy is supposed to be "investigating" given that he seems to have trouble understanding basic gravitational physics.

His hypothesis is that extraterritorial (massive) objects are creating geological shifts here. Nonexistent calculations notwithstanding, to fulfill this view, these objects have to be quite massive, so instead of falsifying his hypothesis given data which contradicts this, his immediate conclusion is that there must be this coverup/completely outlandish idea involving concepts which he clear doesn't understand (like confusing magnetism for gravity).

It's clearly HAARP! MAAAAAAN!