Ok, so how old is everyone? [Winner!]

They used to do the same ´till I was 27-28...

31 but in torch terms i guess ive been over driven most of my life Undecided

the only difference between a boy and a man is in their toys it seems :)

+1. Way overdriven for me. I look 25 though. I feel great, but i do feel old with 3 kids. I feel old but i'm a happy father and husband.

Seems like a lot of 31 years old guys are here :)

35 here, time seems to go by quicker with kids...

At 74, maybe I should change my forum name to "the old man".

56, feel like 66 most days. That's just because I'm a miserable old man at heart...

Or... you are what you eat...

I had a similar post awhile back. I just closed the poll. Wonder if there are any differences now? Or maybe it's just skewed 1 year older =P.


Or....being asked for your I.D. becomes a complement...and a boost to the ego .

53 and still not sure what I want to be.. when I grow up.

38 here and loving it......little one is 3 now and she is a blast, she is growing up fast.

Yeah maybe …BUT You look MARVELOUS …HAHAHAHA


EDIT: Free flashlight...??..Wow that's exciting I didn't even notice that ...Where are my glasses ???

*back in my day we used to light a fire in a cave ...and that was good enough ...and we liked it ..


@ weiser701:

"28.. and the years seem to add up faster and faster"

I used to agree, now it just feels like free-fall. Already bracing for impact..

49, and I feel as many younger women as I can...is that what you meant?

After 43 years of treating my body like an amusement park ride I feel like I'm 60.

32 here..... riding somewhere in the middle of the pack

33 and I don't think anything of it, it's just a number.

I wonder how old I need to be, to not get excited with a new package in the mail... like a kid in a candy store sometimes...

Getting older also has it's good sides. My son is three now and although it brings a lot more responsibilities, it's also a whole lot of fun. And he likes flashlights also :)

18 years older than that and it makes no difference. Still like a wean in a sweetie shop (Local variant of English means kid in a candy store.)

But my girlfriend insists that Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes) is more mature than I, so according to her my real age is 5. (Personally I think I am as mature as Calvin, making me 6)

And thanks for the raffle, fishmaniac!

67, so it's not just my briars...

The oldest of my three granddaughters (age 6 tomorrow) is keeping count of my flashlights and reporting it to grandma. No ally Cry

23 years, has it been that long? I still feel like 18 though ^_^