One of the recent O-L auctions had a light that I really wanted, so some discussion insued and a light arrived!
This was originally created to run hotwire bulbs… It was designed for 1 32700 or 4S 1.5V AA’s. The light came with an AA carrier that holds 4S AA bateries and the dropin pictured below. Yes, the LED is a 12 volt MK-R and is dedomed and a very pleasant warm tint! My little step up bench supply could not drive it very hard, but did turn it on. It appears to have 4 modes. The battery carrier was missing a little brass strip, so I fasioned one out of copper, not sure it will work yet as I have to order a couple more Xtar 14500 protected cells.
In the long run, I am not sure what I will do with this one… It may get a 6V LED and a couple of 25350’s or it may stay with some 12V LED and 4 14500 cells.
Looking for ideas, experienced guys and gals please chime in!
Sorry about the missing part on the battery carrier. It must’ve come out somewhere between my garage and your house (yeh, just a hop, step and a plane trip). I test all my lights before sending out so it may have happened when I removed the batteries …?? It’s a bit strange looking at someone else’s pics.
As far as what to do with it… do you want more throw? Could change the led to xhp35 (and maybe reflector to suit)? Alternatively an amp hungry setup would be better off with low vf and a 32650.
The reflector is basically 39x20mm. Gonna have to do a little looking around. It may turn into an XHP35 light or maybe a 6 volt LED with a pair of 26350’s in a sleeve. Just not sure, I need to see if my battery pack strip works or not.
I could not get the base off, will be contacting FM to see if I can get the right part and if the base of the carrier is removable.